The Dragon's Head Blog
International Center Florida
Day 3 CIT Week at International Center Florida
This is my first workshop and it has been amazing. The corrections I received have been of tremendous help in the continuous improvement of my Taoist Tai Chi® practice. – Jojo Khoo Expansive experiences! – Linda Thompson I am always amazed at how much I thought I knew. – Ed Bell Our goal is to […]
Day 2 CIT week at International Center Florida
Comments from participants… My injury is not limiting me, I am limiting me. – Judy Melcher-King Tons of energy, camaraderie. Great seeing old friends from all over the world. – Donna Jackson Taoist Tai Chi® arts made me a calmer person. Even my colleagues noticed. – Grace Lau
Day 1 CIT week at International Center Florida
Day 1: CIT Week at the International Center Florida with over 220 participants from all over the world.
Lok Hup ‘so soft and so powerful’
More comments from Lok Hup Week as taught by instructors of Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi® at the International Center Florida: It’s amazing how the art of Lok Hup can be so soft and so powerful at the same time. – Marian Varner My son says when I do Taoist Tai Chi® practice I […]
Lok Hup Week at International Center Florida
We have 125 participants attending Lok Hup Week at the International Center Florida in Dunedin. We have participants from Europe, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Canada and USA. We did a demo by the water in front of the center at sunset. Here are some comments from our participants: Another day in paradise. – Carmen Capilla […]
International Center Florida Participates in United Faiths Walk of Peace
On Sunday, October 23rd the International Center Florida and the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, co-sponsored the United Faiths Walk of Peace, in Dunedin, Florida. Bay News 9, a local TV station covered the event. Here is the news story. Two participants shared their views of this special day. On Sunday, October 23rd, churches, […]
International Center Florida Construction Update
Construction at the International Center in Dunedin, Florida is seeing some wonderful changes. The elevator will be placed in the next few weeks and the air conditioning duct work is everywhere. The black pipes are chiller pipes to bring cooled water throughout the building. They lead to air handlers that will distribute cool air to the […]
Dunedin Branch Hosts Construction Workers at BBQ
On Friday October 14th, the Dunedin Branch hosted the International Center Florida construction workers at a BBQ. The men of the branch all pitched in at the grill and in the kitchen to produce a lunch of brats, baked beans, sauerkraut, mac and cheese, and potato chips. We even had a visitor from Tallahassee who stopped […]
International Center Florida Construction Update
Here is the news from our newest international center for the week ending September 18, 2016. The first two guests of the Fenway Hotel are being rudely asked to leave each day by construction workers. A small owl and raccoon are being regularly chased out of the building each morning. The have found the changes […]
International Center Florida Program
One of the discussion talks during this program was the benefit of practicing more often in order to maximize the benefit to our bodies. We explored what we could put into our own daily personal practice and how that could affect our lives. Our workshop leaders helped us to improve the timing of our moves […]
‘What are you working on?’
Day One of the five-day International Program being held at the International Centre Florida brought enthusiastic participants working on our foundation exercises with special emphasis today on finding the tor-yu with Pegoty Packman. Sean Dennison led an exploration of the blueprint of our Taoist training illustrated by the picture of the Internals to answer the […]
Construction Update at the International Center Florida
As we separate the address of the Fenway Hotel from the Taoist Tai Chi Society property to accommodate Mainsail activities, we have updated the buildings to reflect the new addresses acquired from the city. Building C The address is placed on storefront window. Building C is now 251 Lyndhurst Street, Dunedin, Florida 34698 Building E […]
TV Coverage at the International Center Florida and in Corpus Christie, Texas
This week in the USA we had TV coverage of society activities coast to coast. Bay News 9, a local TV station in the Tampa Bay area, was out inquiring about the society and the improvements being made to the Fenway Hotel. The President of the USA, Pegoty Packman, was interviewed and her class recorded. […]
International Center Florida Construction Update for August 4, 2016
The International Center Florida is a very busy place. Workers this week included master carpenters, electricians, stucco installers, dry wall installers and foam insulation installers. The southwest wing of the building, which we knew was the most damaged by termites and water, has temporary shoring placed on the exterior walls to prevent movement as workers prepare […]
International Center Florida Construction Update for the Week Ending July 17, 2016
Another exciting week has taken place at the International Center Florida. The stair tower on the northwest side of the building has a roof. Next will be the tile. Drywall is now completed on the second floor of the southeast, […]
Taoist Tai Chi Society and Mainsail Development Community Meeting on City of Dunedin TV
On June 28, 2016 representatives from the Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA and Mainsail Lodging and Development met with the community of Dunedin to discuss plans for development of the Fenway Hotel. The City of Dunedin’s government access television channel filmed this event and the video is above. Most of our neighbors were very […]
International Center Florida Construction Update for the Week Ending July 3, 2016
We have walls! Drywall installation has begun in the northwest and southeast corridors. The old Fenway Hotel is beginning to look more and more like the grand lady of Dunedin that she once was. The floor decking is almost complete on the first and second floors. Electricians and plumbers have been working to make sure their […]
Dunedin Branch Attends Trade Show Event
To help introduce Mainsail Lodging and Development, the company that will maintain The Fenway, to the North Pinellas County area businesses, both the Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA and Mainsail attended the North Pinellas County annual seven Chambers of Commerce trade show event. The Chambers of Commerce for seven of the municipalities in North […]
International Center Florida Construction Update for June 17, 2016
The International Center Florida construction is speeding ahead. Crew leads are spending a great deal of time researching old photos of the historic Fenway Hotel to preserve its 1920 beauty as they recreate the interior. Framing crews are building the supporting walls in the lobby and dining room. Electricians have almost completed electrical installation in […]
Sabre Program and USA Annual Meeting at the International Center in Florida
Over the Memorial Day weekend holiday the International Center in Florida hosted an international sabre program lead by Sean Dennison. Over 90 participants took part in the program coming from as far as New Zealand. The first day started with the USA Board receiving a guided tour of the historic Fenway Hotel from the Dunedin branch […]
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