The Dragon's Head Blog
North European Centre Helmond
Home for Refugees in Helmond, Netherlands
What do we mean when we say the benefits of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts go beyond the 108 movements of the Taoist Tai Chi® set? The story of our [...]
67 participants and volunteers work together International Taoist Retreat in the Netherlands
It was wonderful to discover how it feels to put our minds into our spines, there seems to be always more. Meanwhile, volunteers in the Centre helped to run everything smoothly, making sure there was food and all kinds of things that were needed. Adding to the full experience, we enjoyed some chanting in the morning and practiced lok hup in the evening. Now we have our ‘homework’, and we will be sure to come back for more opportunities to meet and practice together. We are very grateful that we can practice these internal arts to improve our health. “Today was a great moment for me. I have a very stiff back and balance problems due to polio […]
Happy Christmas activity
On Sunday 15 December 2019, the Netherlands Seniors’ Committee invited Belgian members and Dutch participants for an intensive, a delicious Christmas lunch and a fun(d)raising activity in Helmond. The Belgian members even rented a coach for this occassion because so many wanted to go. The fun(d)raising activity was ‘Bingo’, a typical seniors game with balls […]
The benefit of working together in harmony in our Northern European Center in Helmond
Helmond, November 23-25, 2019 “There was a nice and special atmosphere, it felt very quiet right from the beginning”, said a participant after the first day. Indeed, the atmosphere was very relaxed and helped us to focus and better integrate the instructions. We all worked intensively and with goodwill to experience the ground force, the […]
International Seniors Day in Helmond
31 October 2019 we celebrated the International Seniors Day in our Centre in Helmond, the Netherlands. We started with tai chi and the focussed on the physical benefits that Taoist Tai Chi® arts have on aging. After the International Seniors Day class, we enjoyed each others company and shared together the tasty potluck lunch […]
Reflections during the International Workshop in Helmond, September 11-15, 2019
Ida (26) and Isidora (27) from Denmark were attending their first workshop. They have both been practicing tai chi for less than a year. “There is a strong sense of openness and community at the centre and among the other participants at the workshop. – The practice works differently than in the regular classes at […]
Coming together again as family: trust, sincerity and dedication
The international 5 day workshop organised by members of our Scandinavian societies and the Netherlands is now hosting 129 participants coming from 17 countries. New and familiar faces come together to deepen their knowledge and enjoy the legacy of what Master Moy left us. It is always a special opportunity to meet other participants outside […]
Summer International Workshop in the Netherlands
From June 26 – 30, in the Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi Centre in Helmond, 66 participants from 9 countries enjoyed a 5 day International Workshop. Temperatures outside were record breaking high but inside everything was cool and calm. What a joy to work together on these arts!
Awareness Day in the Netherlands
On Sunday May 26 we celebrated Awareness Day in Helmond in the Netherlands. We started the day with an instructors meeting where we had some good talks together. Then, after lunch, we walked with about 60 people to the town centre and did ourTaoist Tai ChiTM arts demonstrations. We did quite some sets in a […]
Fun with the internals in Helmond
Nice challenge to set up for the banquet celebrating 30 years of Taoist Tai Chi in the Netherlands and Chinese New Year on the first day of the workshop. A very joyful celebration as we tried to work with no arms but from the heart. A very international celebration as the workshop was organised […]
Consistently applying circular movements
[rl_gallery id=”13625″] In Helmond Andrew Hung guided 77 participants from 8 countries in their search for opening and roundness in every move. We practised together in harmony and consistently, this helped us to enhance our understanding and make a step towards the next stage. During the evening sessions we practised more circular movements while going […]
30 years celebrations kick off in the Netherlands
Thirty years ago, the first Taoist Tai Chi® arts class started in the Netherlands. From that moment on, our learning and development started. And last Saturday we came together to do 30 sets in a row as a kickoff of the celebrations of our 30th anniversary. What a fun day was that! Lots of members […]
When two ideas melt to become one!
The Dutch Seniors committee liked to organize an activity to celebrate International Seniors Day in which they could sing together songs from the old days. And the Belgian board liked to organize a Christmas lunch. So why not combine these two? We did – on Sunday December 9th there was a Sing Along Christmas lunch in the TTCS Centre in Helmond. The […]
A Doe Dag in Helmond as an appetizer
On November 10th, members from Belgium travelled to Helmond (NL) for a Doe Dag – it’s s now a ritual for us to take care of the Center once a year. A Continuing class was running while our great kitchen team was cooking simple but delicious Belgian recipes. So that during the lunch, we could hear here and there, “hmm, it’s super good”, […]
Exercising the bones while playing with circles
International Program Helmond in The Netherlands 26 -30 September 2018 During the 5 day program in Helmond we were helped to experience the power of dropping the elbows and coiling the hands and arms. As Andrew Hung said these moves work on the bones and make us forever young. Our understanding of the power of […]
Finding the Source in Helmond
During the terrific five-day international workshop in Helmond, 67 participants played, experienced and felt the extension, contraction, weight-shifting and elasticity in every move of the set. Andrew Hung clarified that these elements are the source, better known as the don-yu and the tor-yu. When we started with the first set at the beginning of the […]
A Different Beginning in Helmond, Holland
Silence. Surprise. Expectation. Cosy atmosphere. Djambe followed by a group of voices singing Evening rise, spirit come… . That’s how we welcomed 2018 in the Netherlands, last January 5th, at 08:00PM at the Taoist Tai Chi Centre in Helmond … with a new year concert! For two months we called out for hidden talents among members […]
International Workshop in Helmond, Holland
Wholly 110 participants from 14 countries worked together to find balance, practice timing and experience feeling at the international workshop. After meditation the set was a completely different experience , so much quieter and calmer. What a joy.
Awareness Day in the Netherlands
On Sunday August 27 there were 85 members from all over the Netherlands who gathered in the TTCS centre in Helmond and paraded to the city centre for an afternoon full of demonstrations and trial classes. Many passersby saw us and good conversations were held. Lots of smiling faces were seen the whole day. Everybody […]
Final Day of International Workshop in Helmond, Netherlands
Breakfast was early this last day of the workshop so that we had lots of time to practice. We consolidated everything we had learned the first four days. And to top it all off we ended with two sets that felt completely different than the first sets we did this workshop. We all went home […]
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