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The Dragon's Head Blog

Center Updates
Seniors’ Day in the Netherlands

Seniors’ Day in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, October 7 is called National Day of Seniors, a reason for us to organise an event for the senior members in our society. So we invited them to our centre in Helmond and asked them to bring a senior friend. Twenty-three seniors and seniors-in-training joined for a chat, a demo, a set, a […]
International Center Florida Construction Update

International Center Florida Construction Update

Construction at the International Center in Dunedin, Florida is seeing some wonderful changes. The elevator will be placed in the next few weeks and the air conditioning duct work is everywhere. The black pipes are chiller pipes to bring cooled water throughout the building. They lead to air handlers that will distribute cool air to the […]
Dunedin Branch Hosts Construction Workers at BBQ

Dunedin Branch Hosts Construction Workers at BBQ

On Friday October 14th, the Dunedin Branch hosted the International Center Florida construction workers at a BBQ. The men of the branch all pitched in at the grill and in the kitchen to produce a lunch of brats, baked beans, sauerkraut, mac and cheese, and potato chips. We even had a visitor from Tallahassee who stopped […]
International Center Florida Construction Update

International Center Florida Construction Update

Here is the news from our newest international center for the week ending September 18, 2016. The first two guests of the Fenway Hotel are being rudely asked to leave each day by construction workers. A small owl and raccoon are being regularly chased out of the building each morning. The have found the changes […]
Awareness Day in the Netherlands

Awareness Day in the Netherlands

On Sunday August 28, in a parade we went to downtown Helmond to celebrate Awareness Day in the Netherlands. The colourful balloons and the silver t-shirts were shining in the sun. All the shops were open, the terraces were full, live blues music played next to our demo spot, and there was an Oldsmobile car festival […]
France @ CIT Week

France @ CIT Week

Aujourd’hui, l’association de tai chi taoïste de France participe avec 25 autres pays à la journée internationale de sensibilisation au tai chi taoïste. Cette journée, qui rassemble près d’un millier de participants, permet de présenter l’association Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi et ses activités. Tandis que certains participants démontrent l’enchaînement des 108 mouvements du […]
Aruba @ CIT Week

Aruba @ CIT Week

A group of five continuing instructors and four new members from Aruba joined the CIT week and Awareness Day parade this year. They came, learned, grew, developed and bonded together. They are now ready to continue to water the seeds of balance and transformation with a caring heart. – Margaret (Aruba)
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