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The Dragon's Head Blog: To Your Health! A Plentiful Evening in Longueuil, Canada

Friday, April 7, just before 7 pm. The air is full of excitement at the regional centre in Longueuil, Québec.  It is a very special evening as the region open its doors to the public and our Members of Parliament. Within this new format, it is once again an excellent opportunity for us to present our organization and the health benefits of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts.

Over 200 people attended this « To Your Health » event: participants, friends, family, colleagues, members of satellite classes, representatives of community organizations and VIPs including Mrs. Diane Lamarre, Member for Taillon, official opposition critic for health and access to care, and Mrs. Catherine Fournier, Member for Marie-Victorin.

Eastern Region President, Mrs. Joé Thibault, welcomed everybody and launched the festivities. Sitting around small tables in a nice bistro atmosphere, our guests enjoyed delightful canapés as the Taoist Tai Chi™ demos began.

As the evening went on, our two MCs invited us to discover the Taoist Tai Chi™ arts and their health improvement benefits through their profound and interesting observations. Later on they presented the results of the recent national survey regarding the impact of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts on the use of public health services, which the participants found very interesting. Selected participants were then invited to share their personal stories about the transformative changes that Taoism brought to their lives.

In a quiet and calm atmosphere guests listened carefully and really appreciated the variety of the demonstrations: tai chi and lok hup, sword and sabre, foundations moves, rolls not least of all hsing-i, the set that truly caught the attention of our audience. Some went as far as to try to identify the animals they saw in that set. The last presentation most surprised the guests when the 215 attendees were encouraged to try some of the foundation moves – It was a success!

After these demonstrations a scrumptious array of Québecois cheeses, all selected with care by the participants from Montréal, Montérégie and Lanaudière, was made available for everyone to share. Eight gourmet gift baskets were offered by the other branches of the Eastern Region. Those participants pooled their efforts to collect local products to fill those baskets for the raffle.
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