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The Dragon's Head Blog

New Kitchen in Majorca, Spain

New Kitchen in Majorca, Spain

Something’s cooking in Majorca where after years of trials and tribulations the building owned by the Society in Palma now has a fully operational kitchen. It was a long and winding road, starting with winning over the neighbors and raising the funds. But everybody rallied to the cause and finally the big day arrived. The […]
Day Four of International Training Program in Madrid, Spain

Day Four of International Training Program in Madrid, Spain

After having explained the equivalent principles of chanting and tai chi, we held a chanting session. Joé Thibault explored deepy the soft focus of tai chi, with progressive and elastic transitions.  She focused on maximizing the expansion and relaxation in every movement without forgetting the intention in the hands and feet until finalizing each of […]
A Very Thorough Weekend in Madrid

A Very Thorough Weekend in Madrid

This weekend we celebrated the Portugal, Spain and Italy annual instructors’ meeting. Some 60 instructors from the 3 countries got together to pool and advance in our understanding of tai chi and our role as accredited volunteer instructors. The activity on Saturday was held at the Southern European Centre and was most varied. It included […]
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