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Un weekend pour le corps, le coeur et l’esprit à Saguenay, Québec

Un weekend pour le corps, le coeur et l’esprit à Saguenay, Québec

Les 20 et 21 février dernier, un weekend pour débutants à Saguenay a réuni onze nouveaux participants, quelques continus ainsi que tous les instructeurs de l’emplacement, pour un total de 24 personnes pour le samedi. Impressionnant de voir la rapidité d’apprentissage des 108 mouvements. La technique d’enseignement trois-trois-trois, une grande simplicité et voilà, tous travaillent […]
Chinese New Year Reception and Banquet in Portland, Oregon!

Chinese New Year Reception and Banquet in Portland, Oregon!

The Portland Oregon Branch held its annual Chinese New Year Reception and Banquet on February 27th Approximately 200 participants and guests came together to celebrate and to welcome honored guests, Aide to US Senator Ron Wyden, State Representative Lew Fredrick, and VA Recreational Therapist Nancy McFarland who is helping us make Taoist Tai Chi available to […]
Lunar New Year Lunch at the Australian National Centre

Lunar New Year Lunch at the Australian National Centre

After many volunteers worked cheerfully together to create a scrumptious lunch, more than 100 members and guests gathered to celebrate the arrival of the lunar new year and to enjoy the results of their labour. Many stayed on to assist with clearing tables, washing dishes and returning the centre to „normal” ready for classes the […]
Luncheon Celebrating Chinese New Year in Colchester, UK

Luncheon Celebrating Chinese New Year in Colchester, UK

In Great Britain, Colchester hosted a five-day International Workshop led by Andrew Hung, from Toronto in Canada. On Thursday at lunchtime we hosted a Chinese New Year celebration which started with a keenly anticipated lion dance. Our invited guests included Sir Bob Russell, former Member of Parliament for Colchester and now High Steward of Colchester, […]
Vancouver Chinese New Year Celebration and Parade

Vancouver Chinese New Year Celebration and Parade

The Vancouver branch celebrated the arrival of the Year of the Monkey with food and games as well as by joining the local Chinese and other communities in the annual Chinatown Spring Festival Parade. On Saturday February 13th about 60 participants and friends gathered for a six-course vegetarian jai meal, prepared in our own kitchen […]
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