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The Dragon's Head Blog

Historie osobiste
Finding Harmony

Finding Harmony

Brendan F. of Buffalo, NY, takes Taoist Tai Chi® arts to new heights at the Grand Canyon.  Please send images of your self practice—ideally with a local landmark or other indication of your location —along with your name, branch, location, and permission to publish to We cannot guarantee publication, but we will try our […]
Working in Harmony

Working in Harmony

“When I’m playing, everything is working in harmony. Mind, body, music. Harmony and dissonance are so important in music. Taoist Tai Chi® practice has enriched my idea of harmony and everything working together. I can feel when it’s all coming together.” ~Oren, NYC  
My asthma with the practice of Taoist Tai Chi<sup>®</sup> arts

My asthma with the practice of Taoist Tai Chi® arts

I was very young when I started suffering from allergic asthma, particularly severe during spring. So, it is years that I need to check the Oxygen blood saturation (pO2) regularly, with an oxymeter: until recently, I have been finding it around 90/92 %, which doctors found acceptable.  With the practice of Taoist Tai Chi® arts […]
Heart to Heart

Heart to Heart

When I started my Taoist Tai Chi® practice in 1998, I was just like every other beginner. I was eager to learn this shiny new thing. I knew nothing. With every class I attended, my confidence grew. Before I knew it, I was doing the whole set with everyone else. When the next beginner class started, I […]
A Long Life with Parkinson’s Disease

A Long Life with Parkinson’s Disease

“My name is Assunta and I’ve had Parkinson’s disease for almost 40 years. I have been practicing Taoist Tai Chi® arts for almost as long. I knew after my first class that the Taoist Tai Chi® arts were helping me. I first became stronger emotionally and then physically. Everything improved and I was better able to tolerate medications. I […]
We Are All Our Own Instructors

We Are All Our Own Instructors

When it was announced a year ago that we would be canceling Taoist Tai Chi® classes for the indefinite future I assumed I would continue to practice the 3 or 4 times a week I had been practicing when I went to classes. But where would the instruction come from? I had never thought about […]
Chanting razem

Chanting razem

Cztery spotkania na zoomie wpisały się już na stałe tygodniowy harmonogram. Kiedy zapowiadam w domu, że nadchodzi pora na spotkanie coraz częściej córka pyta: śpiewacie dzisiaj? W środę i sobotę mówię: tak, a dlaczego pytasz? Odpowiada: bo chciałabym z Wami. Łączymy się więc i śpiewamy razem. 
Feeling more connected

Feeling more connected

Lockdown arrived so no classes, all usual routine was gone. I felt all at sea. Practicing sets daily as usual, but I found that by the end of a set I had tears streaming down my face, even though I did feel calm. It was troubling. What to do? I decided to stop the sets […]
From grief to joy in a moment

From grief to joy in a moment

I have found this 3rd lockdown in England very difficult and felt bowed down with grief for our son who died 18 months ago. It’s been a struggle to do my daily practice. However,  I have forced myself to join the chanting on Saturdays and Mondays to bring some structure into my life. During the last […]
From the heart

From the heart

I have come to realize more that the core of our learning path can be traced back to the heart. Often I know things but sometimes I can feel it. [...]
What does Chanting give me?

What does Chanting give me?

Before starting a chanting session, a feeling of stillness and calm invades me. This feeling of tranquility, but at the same time of strength, remains afterwards. I usually practice on my knees. This position helps me release my hips (in the sitting position is where I get the most pain from trochanteritis) and I have […]
Already eleven months and always present!

Already eleven months and always present!

Confined but not suffocated or isolated!  Our instructors have never stopped repeating to us, without ever getting tired: „Do some foundation movements, a little, every day…” At first, my practise was very limited, often in the early morning. I found it easy to start but harder to continue. There is always some distraction ready to […]
Changing habits

Changing habits

56 years ago my mother passed away. I was 10. Since then I have lived a pretty wreckless life. Smoking has been one of my coping mechanisms for the last 40 years until 6 years ago, when Taoist Tai Chi gave me the strength to stop. I ordered a plaque for my mother, for All […]
Pain is out!

Pain is out!

During the latest lockdown, I hardly found time to practice. Indeed, I was having twice my normal amount of work, in addition to the daily household chores (including looking after 4 kids). My body paid for it: I felt more stressed and tensed and recently got a block in my upper back. I called the […]
The best out of the worst

The best out of the worst

During the first months of self-practice, I was practicing very high Don-Yus. This allowed me to relax a lot the cervical and lumbar area. By spending so many hours working in front of the computer, they were parts of the body very vulnerable to pain. I managed to incorporate the 50 Don-Yus into my daily […]
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