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The Dragon's Head Blog

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Music and Jongs

Music and Jongs

I am a professional musician and Taoist Tai Chi® practice keeps me in shape physically. It helps me not get injured, keeps me elastic, and somehow keeps my body working even if I’m nervous. The hand movements are particularly good for my playing. This is all very important for me.  ~Oren Video Player    
Forever Young

Forever Young

I am 89 years old. For me, Taoist Tai Chi® arts are a moving meditation that provide me everything I need to feel good. I can do this for myself!  When I practice opening the chest and extending the spine, I like to feel what is going on inside my body. The feeling is very important to […]
A practice for life

A practice for life

All generations benefit from the age-friendly activities of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism. Seniors make key contributions to our community finding renewal, joy, growth & connection.  Engaging in Taoist Tai Chi® arts leads to a feeling of internal stillness balanced with an outward expansion. Irrespective of one’s age, there is a progressively deeper connection to life, […]
Finding Harmony 3

Finding Harmony 3

Liseth W. of our Costa Rica affiliate brushes knees at Manuel Antonio Beach on the Central Pacific Coast in Costa Rica. Please send images of your self practice—ideally with a local landmark or other indication of your location —along with your name, branch, location, and permission to publish to We cannot guarantee publication, but […]
Arthritis Awareness

Arthritis Awareness

My arthritis is called ankylosing spondylitis and it affects my spine. When the inflammation is happening, it’s very painful.  
 I’ve been doing Taoist Tai Chi® arts ever since I was first diagnosed, and that’s what I mostly use to manage the pain.  It keeps me moving … and if I don’t move, I seize up. My […]


When I prepare meals, I apply the principles taught in the Taoist Tai Chi® practice. I keep my posture aligned, allowing my chest to be open and my shoulders to be relaxed. This simple detail makes my back pain disappear.  ~Christine
Finding Harmony 2

Finding Harmony 2

“Wherever you are, you can find a danyu bar.” – Rich P. of Dunedin, FL, doing assisted danyus at Lobster Buoy campsite in South Thomaston, Maine Please send images of your self practice—ideally with a local landmark or other indication of your location —along with your name, branch, location, and permission to publish to We […]
Finding Harmony

Finding Harmony

Brendan F. of Buffalo, NY, takes Taoist Tai Chi® arts to new heights at the Grand Canyon.  Please send images of your self practice—ideally with a local landmark or other indication of your location —along with your name, branch, location, and permission to publish to We cannot guarantee publication, but we will try our […]
Working in Harmony

Working in Harmony

“When I’m playing, everything is working in harmony. Mind, body, music. Harmony and dissonance are so important in music. Taoist Tai Chi® practice has enriched my idea of harmony and everything working together. I can feel when it’s all coming together.” ~Oren, NYC  
My asthma with the practice of Taoist Tai Chi<sup>®</sup> arts

My asthma with the practice of Taoist Tai Chi® arts

I was very young when I started suffering from allergic asthma, particularly severe during spring. So, it is years that I need to check the Oxygen blood saturation (pO2) regularly, with an oxymeter: until recently, I have been finding it around 90/92 %, which doctors found acceptable.  With the practice of Taoist Tai Chi® arts […]
Heart to Heart

Heart to Heart

When I started my Taoist Tai Chi® practice in 1998, I was just like every other beginner. I was eager to learn this shiny new thing. I knew nothing. With every class I attended, my confidence grew. Before I knew it, I was doing the whole set with everyone else. When the next beginner class started, I […]
A Long Life with Parkinson’s Disease

A Long Life with Parkinson’s Disease

“My name is Assunta and I’ve had Parkinson’s disease for almost 40 years. I have been practicing Taoist Tai Chi® arts for almost as long. I knew after my first class that the Taoist Tai Chi® arts were helping me. I first became stronger emotionally and then physically. Everything improved and I was better able to tolerate medications. I […]
We Are All Our Own Instructors

We Are All Our Own Instructors

When it was announced a year ago that we would be canceling Taoist Tai Chi® classes for the indefinite future I assumed I would continue to practice the 3 or 4 times a week I had been practicing when I went to classes. But where would the instruction come from? I had never thought about […]
Chanting razem

Chanting razem

Cztery spotkania na zoomie wpisały się już na stałe tygodniowy harmonogram. Kiedy zapowiadam w domu, że nadchodzi pora na spotkanie coraz częściej córka pyta: śpiewacie dzisiaj? W środę i sobotę mówię: tak, a dlaczego pytasz? Odpowiada: bo chciałabym z Wami. Łączymy się więc i śpiewamy razem. 
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