The Dragon's Head Blog
Season’s Greetings
Season’s Greetings from Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism.
Wishing peace and joy to everyone this holiday season.
Lantern festival: a light that brings us together
Last Saturday, we celebrated the Lantern Festival and the Chinese New Year of the Rabbit with an intensive. The group was happy to see each other again, at first unsettled by the fact of practicing together. Then gradually, by focusing on expansion and compression, the group was able to experience the feeling of being […]
Happy Birthday Felicia
A few days ago we, at the Greater Miami Branch, had a very special celebration. Felicia Ponzano, a participant of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA for the past 28 years, reached her 100th birthday! Not only that, but the week prior to her birthday, she had successfully renewed her precious driver’s license—precious […]
Immortal Lü Festival
Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism is celebrating the Festival of Immortal Lü with people from around the world chanting together. Immortal Lü represents the cultivation of Taoist wisdom and the integration of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.
50 lat sztuk Taoist Tai Chi™
Od skromnych początków w Toronto w 1970 roku nauki Mistrza Moy rozprzestrzeniły się na cały świat. Dziś ponad 1000 uczestników z 26 krajów świętuje 50 lat pomagania ludziom i służenia naszym społecznościom poprzez sztuki Taoist Tai ChiTM. Nasze serca są pełne wdzięczności, ponieważ z niecierpliwością czekamy na kolejne 50 lat!
Samodzielna praktyka to dbanie o siebie
Praktyka własna była dla mnie trudnym wyzwaniem. Od 29 lutego mój mąż spędził osiem tygodni w szpitalu, a zmarł na początku maja. W tym czasie skupiałam się na nim, a nie na sobie. Chanting i spotkania Zoom okazały się nieocenione dla mojego zdrowia psychicznego. Są one nie tylko bardzo pouczające, ale także sprawiają, że czuję […]
All Souls Festival 7 – Caring
Caring is at the heart of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism. It was deeply felt on day one of All Souls Festival when a thousand people from 26 countries brought their intention together chanting for the world and for those who have passed away.
Czuję, że robię wreszcie coś dla siebie
Czuję, że robię wreszcie coś dla siebie odrywając się od „wyścigu szczurów” i codziennej rutynowej gonitwy. Uważam to za luksus, na jaki mogę sobie pozwolić. Potem czuję się uspokojona, zadowolona z siebie (!) I gotowa do normalnego funkcjonowania. Basia z Warszawy Kiedy praktykuje chanting, czuję radość, że robię to razem z innymi. Że jestem pośród […]
a set-saver on the wall
I work in an Epidemiology Department so, from the very beginning, the lock-down found me in so called smart working, meaning working at home with a big load, many hours a day, seven days a week. Tense and tired, I started practicing foundations, every now and then during the day, just to stretch and slow […]
Italy, first intensive of 2020
In Florence last Saturday, after sharing the joy of practice in an intensive, the evening ended with a very Italian Tiramisù prepared by a member, to participate in the launch of the Society 50th anniversary! Best wishes to all of us, lucky heirs of Master Moy’s teachings, all around the world
Demonstrations in Rennes – France
We had the chance to spend a half day of demos and discussions with people in the beautifull „Parc du Thabor” in the city of Rennes. The day began with a potluck lunch and the setting up of the booth. We had the opportunity to make several demos in this peaceful place and thanks to […]
A rich ten day international program in Bayswater, Western Australia
A ten day international program is under way at the National Centre in Bayswater, Western Australia. During the first five days, 108 participants from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Great Britain are enjoying a Lok Hup Ba Fa program (’six harmonies and eight methods of heart and intention’). Every day we discover anew the richness […]
International Senior’s Day in Brussels
International Senior’s Day celebrates the end of the 5th season of partnership between the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Belgium and the City of Brussels. The program included free introduction class, demos of the set, standing and seated, and foundations. On a beautiful sunny day, passers-by and seniors could simply follow the flow […]
Treasuring the Teachings
A small group of dedicated people, showing great care and respect, gave the shrine in Colchester a thorough clean. It needed it. The work was satisfying and quite therapeutic and the spirit of the whole building feels lighter and brighter.
Harmony in Essex
Essex is a county in Great Britain where many people practise Taoist Tai ChiTM arts. On Wednesday participants from South East Essex hired a coach and joined others in North East Essex for chanting and tai chi. Everyone enjoyed meeting up together and sharing lunch. We love to have people visit the Taoist Tai Chi […]
Awareness Day in the Netherlands
We just celebrated Awareness Day here in he Netherlands! Here are some of the aspects that we worked on last June 24th in Helmond, with participants from several branches: having fun, moving meditation, improving our quality of life, focusing on our attention, connecting both the inside and the outside world, enjoying being together, doing a demo in the city center to reach out to […]
Central Vancouver Island Regional Program in Vancouver
Inspired by the example of Central Region hosting programs at the International Center in Florida, the Central Vancouver Island Branch organized a Regional Intensive at the Pacific Region Centre in Vancouver on Thursday, April 12. A bus-load of participants came by ferry to join a host of Vancouver participants in time to walk to a […]
Edmonton Sabre Program
It was an incredible experience coming together to learn the Sabre set in Edmonton, Canada. There was an air of excitement and anticipation as 74 of us arrived. For most this would be the first time we would learn this set so we were beginners again, nervous yet eager. We learned that the connection comes […]
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