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The Dragon's Head Blog

Smiling Faces and Happy Bellies

Smiling Faces and Happy Bellies

The hard-working kitchen team were thanked at CIT Week for their amazing feat of ensuring the hundreds of CIT participants and volunteers were well-fed with meals three times a day plus snacks. The team also provided jai for All Souls at the International Centre last weekend, and food for a reception and luncheon on the […]
Tenth Anniversary of Three Religions Temple and Awareness Day #1 During Day Four of CIT Week, 2017 in Orangeville

Tenth Anniversary of Three Religions Temple and Awareness Day #1 During Day Four of CIT Week, 2017 in Orangeville

  Brief the dragon legs Prepare the temple and start chanting Chanters and public offerings Enliven the dragon, bring on the confetti Speeches from distinguished guests All join in the sutra Presentation of photo contest winners Tidy up, cards displayed, walking tour
Dancing Dragon Does Double Duty

Dancing Dragon Does Double Duty

On an overcast day in Canada’s most multicultural city participants from the Bathurst location of the Toronto branch, ably abetted by fellow participants from other Toronto locations, came together to parade the nine-person dragon at two events on July 22, 2017.  First we gathered at the Bathurst location and walked to a nearby park, Wychwood […]
Tai Chi Puts Wind in the Sails

Tai Chi Puts Wind in the Sails

  Last Thursday participants from the Québec City branch went to the Tall Ships Regatta to enjoy the festivities and do a few demos. Demos at the harbour may well become a summer tradition as the tall ships visited the area last year and we were there. After the demos we visited some of the […]
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