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The Dragon's Head Blog: Dan Yu Challenge Comments From Canada’s Pacific Region

Participants from across Canada are taking part in a six-week national dan yu challenge.  One only challenges one’s self to do more dan yu’s, not others.  Donations are freely given to support fundraising for the International Center in Florida.  Better health for the individual and for the organization is the best reward.  Here are some comments from participants in Canada’s Pacific Region.

  • I have diabetes, and doing daily dan yus has lowered my blood sugar.
    Gary, Vancouver, BC
  • I’ve been doing them everyday at work where I sit a lot. I feel much better getting up and loosening up with don yu’s.
    Janet, Vernon, BC
  • Provides energy!
    Jane, 100 Mile House, BC
  • Invigorating! I get tired by 3 or so in the afternoon. I do 15 or 20 don yu’s and feel so invigorated.
    Joan, Kamloops, BC
  • My husband noticed I am more relaxed. He wants me to keep doing them daily.
    Gill, Vancouver, BC
  • I have always had cold hands and since the challenge, they are always warm!
    Debbie, Sunshine Coast, BC
  • I had a pain in my upper back and a frozen shoulder from cancer and its treatment. The Don Yu Challenge has reduced the pain and increased mobility. My physio says I am stronger in my core and I should keep doing what I am doing.
    Kyla, Vancouver, BC
  • I am sleeping much better!
    Mary, Vancouver, BC
  • Each don yu gets easier to do.
    Jim, Richmond, BC
  • My ankles are getting stronger.
    Liisa, Parksville, BC
  • Having the Don Yu Challenge tracking sheet on my table is enough to remind me to actually do don yu’s every day and I’m amazed at how much stronger my legs are after 2 weeks. I am able to stand longer and more steadily. I’m hoping and planning to keep up the daily practice forever.
    Dianne (who has MS), Vancouver, BC
  • This motivates me to a dedication that brings harmony and stillness.
    Toshi, Kamloops, BC
  • After 3 weeks of daily don yu’s, my chronic back pain is completely gone!
    Jan P, Sunshine Coast, BC
  • Now that I am doing more, I am going past the number where I used to stop, and they start to feel better when I keep going.
    Frank, Vancouver, BC
  • The challenge has forced me to do daily don yu’s. I find I am becoming softer, and more centred.
    David, Nanaimo, BC
  • It’s cumulative. The more I do it, the more it becomes part of my routine. I miss it if I don’t do it.
    Dianne, Richmond, BC
  • I was waking up with numb fingers on both hands. I was beginning to be concerned, but after doing Don yu’s daily for 2 weeks, my back is more open and the numbness in my hands has disappeared.
    Joan, Vancouver, BC
  • I am pushing through the tiredness when I do Don yu’s. I feel more relaxed. My endurance has improved.
    George, Vancouver, BC
  • Really nice! I am getting more comfortable.
    Kuniko, Kamloops, BC
  • I really love the snakes. Everyone should do them.
    Marilyn, Vancouver, BC
  • It helps to do enough to realize they are improving.
    Dianne, Richmond, BC
  • It is easier to drop and let everything go.
    Judy, Parksville, BC
  • This brings to the forefront an awareness that I need to establish a personal practice.
    Danita, Kamloops, BC
  • Daily don yu’s and snakes are making it easier to do the quiet sitting.
    Jas, Vancouver, BC

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