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The Dragon's Head Blog: Home for Refugees in Helmond, Netherlands

What do we mean when we say the benefits of the Taoist Tai Chi™ arts go beyond the 108 movements of the Taoist Tai Chi™ set? The story of our Northern European Center in Helmond, the Netherlands, which was transformed during the pandemic into a temporary shelter for teenage refugees seeking asylum, illustrates the point. Elly Blanksma, Mayor of Helmond, and Ankie Boumans, director of Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi of the Netherlands explain the transformation and its positive effects in this short documentary by Stefan Nitoslawski.

The experience in Helmond underscores how the powerful combination of open hearts, open minds, freedom from worry, and working together can be transformative for us as individuals, for our communities, for our cities, and for those whom we touch. In fact, the program was considered such a success by the city that they have welcomed a new, larger cohort of refugees in our center for temporary housing with the support of the community.

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