The Dragon's Head Blog
What does Chanting give me?
Before starting a chanting session, a feeling of stillness and calm invades me. This feeling of tranquility, but at the same time of strength, remains afterwards. I usually practice on my knees. This position helps me release my hips (in the sitting position is where I get the most pain from trochanteritis) and I have […]
Already eleven months and always present!
Confined but not suffocated or isolated! Our instructors have never stopped repeating to us, without ever getting tired: „Do some foundation movements, a little, every day…” At first, my practise was very limited, often in the early morning. I found it easy to start but harder to continue. There is always some distraction ready to […]
Changing habits
56 years ago my mother passed away. I was 10. Since then I have lived a pretty wreckless life. Smoking has been one of my coping mechanisms for the last 40 years until 6 years ago, when Taoist Tai Chi gave me the strength to stop. I ordered a plaque for my mother, for All […]
Pain is out!
During the latest lockdown, I hardly found time to practice. Indeed, I was having twice my normal amount of work, in addition to the daily household chores (including looking after 4 kids). My body paid for it: I felt more stressed and tensed and recently got a block in my upper back. I called the […]
The best out of the worst
During the first months of self-practice, I was practicing very high Don-Yus. This allowed me to relax a lot the cervical and lumbar area. By spending so many hours working in front of the computer, they were parts of the body very vulnerable to pain. I managed to incorporate the 50 Don-Yus into my daily […]
Costa Rica
I would like to share my experience in these times, and something that was said at some point in the meetings on Saturdays comes to my mind: „In difficult times opportunities arise …”. For me it has been a great opportunity to learn more about the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism. The teachings […]
Właściwy kierunek
Rozmawialiśmy ostatnio z członkami na zoomie na temat wskazówek jakie otrzymaliśmy od dyrektorów FLK. Chodziło o założenie i prowadzenie zeszytu z notatkami z naszej indywidualnej praktyki, z postępów jakie czynimy i zmian jakie zauważamy na naszej taoistycznej ścieżce. Włodek, członek z Warszawy podzielił się z nami historią zeszytu, jaki otrzymał w prezencie od swojej mamy […]
Take responsibility
Thanks to regular zoom meetings with the leaders of our organisation, I’ve come to realise several challenges in these difficult times when restrictions change our ordinary lives. One of the key messages for me is to take responsibility for yourself, for your training. It means trusting yourself, trusting instructions we have received and still receive […]
Opportunities through Adversity
The adversity of this time of pandemic has given me the opportunity to realize the importance of being conscious and consistent, both in the practice of tai chi, as in the zoom and chanting sessions. Sharing all this gives way to words and emotions, such as: consistency, patience, awareness, connection, attention, observation, letting go and […]
Finding A New Grace
Everyone probably has lockdown stories to tell: here is mine. Even after years of Tai Chi, I still sometimes wondered if I could get through a set without clues from my fellow practitioners, but was determined to try and do a set each day during lockdown. I had fallen in love with Tai Chi from […]
Making The Pain Go Away
„I just wanted to tell you about something that’s happened since Lockdown. I’ve been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both hips, and was getting quite a bit of hip pain until I finally got a diagnosis. Then I remembered something that we had been told at CIT week in Orangeville, back in 2009, about how dan-yus […]
Personal Stories / USA
Since doing sets on my own for over eight months now, an interesting thing has happened. At first it seemed strange to practice alone, without a group. I felt oddly self-conscious, even though no one was watching. Over time, though, I stopped worrying about that and just started focusing on how my body felt while […]
Growing through the pandemic
My experience these past nine months has been of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth. On March 13th we were confined. I have a 12-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl with special needs, quite an experience. I would get up at 6 in the morning to practice Tai Chi. It was my moment of peace, […]
Managing stress and anxiety with daily practise
Before the pandemic, Taoist Tai Chi® arts was something I only practised when attending a weekly class on a Friday night. In between classes, I rarely gave it a thought. Having been suffering with anxiety and stress, I attended a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy course in February which gave me some tools to use. This became […]
Season’s Greetings
We hope that everyone in the world finds peace, love and joy, despite these difficult times. Sending season’s greetings and best wishes to all.
Święto Goon Yam
Uczestnicy Sztuk Taoist Tai Chi® z całego świata śpiewali „razem / osobno” w środę, 4 listopada, aby uczcić Goon Yam (Guanyin), bodhisattwę współczucia. Goon Yam inspiruje do rozwijania w nas współczucia. Celebrując ją poprzez śpiewy, naszym zamiarem jest przynieść światu więcej pokoju i spokoju. Instytut Taoizmu Fung Loy Kok posiada wiele świątyń Goon Yam w […]
Czuję, że robię wreszcie coś dla siebie
Czuję, że robię wreszcie coś dla siebie odrywając się od „wyścigu szczurów” i codziennej rutynowej gonitwy. Uważam to za luksus, na jaki mogę sobie pozwolić. Potem czuję się uspokojona, zadowolona z siebie (!) I gotowa do normalnego funkcjonowania. Basia z Warszawy Kiedy praktykuje chanting, czuję radość, że robię to razem z innymi. Że jestem pośród […]
Jestem wdzięczna Stowarzyszeniu
Mam 75 lat. Tai chi ćwiczę od siedmiu lat, ale rok temu musiałam przestać chodzić na zajęcia, ponieważ opiekuję się mężem z demencją starczą. Dzięki latom poświęconym na praktykę tai chi, dziś mogę powiedzieć, że radzę sobie całkiem nieźle. To trudne, ale zachowuję spokój, zrozumienie i umiejętność radzenia sobie w najtrudniejszych chwilach. Otrzymałam to wyłącznie […]
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Taoist Tai Chi® arts, President of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism, John Huang, shares calligraphy that speaks to a solid foundation and a bright future. On December 5 more than 2000 people celebrated together/apart! Source: @taoist_canada, Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism
Lunar Chanting
On the full moon and new moon, the 1st and 15th of each lunar month, 1000 participants from 26 countries chant the Northern Dipper Scripture together/apart. This scripture expresses the interconnection between the external universe (outside ourselves) and the internal universe (inside ourselves), an idea that resonates in the lived experience of many who practice the Taoist […]
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