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The Dragon's Head Blog: Seniors on the loose

June 10, Helmond.

The Seniors Committee of the Netherlands organized another fundraising activity called YUM CHA. A Chinese tradition of drinking tea in the morning or afternoon with dim sum.


Prior to the dim sum workshop was a seniors intensive, a very good way to start up your day with donyu’s and toryu’s and  refining your tai chi.  28 Members started their day right by taking part in the intensive. While the intensive was ongoing, a savouring and comforting lunch was prepared with chinese soup and homemade bread. Later in the afternoon, about 31 members joined for the dim sum workshop and  they learned in one afternoon how to make 2 kinds of dim sum; baozi and jiaozi. It was a fun filled afternoon working together with a full belly at the end of the day. The funds raised during this whole day activity are going towards the Fenway Project.


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