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The Dragon's Head Blog: Toowoomba Celebrates Anniversaries

The Toowoomba branch of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia celebrated its 25th anniversary, plus 20th anniversary of its Taoist shrine, at a weekend workshop and High Tea held on 20-21 June 2015.

We were delighted to have special guests at the High Tea on Saturday afternoon: Councillor Paul Antonio, Mayor, Toowoomba Regional Council; the Hon John McVeigh MP, Member for Toowoomba South; Mr John Dornbusch, Chancellor of the University of Southern Queensland; and Ms Gitie House, President, Toowoomba International Multicultural Society.

Some 150 participants and guests attended the High Tea, and there were 88 participants in the weekend program.  There was a special chanting session on Saturday morning which attracted around 50 participants.

Toowoomba is a regional town of about 100,000 people in Queensland, Australia.  The local daily newspaper, the Chronicle, reported on the celebrations (PDF version here, and another news report here). A full page advertisement also ran in the Chronicle and in Toowoomba Life weekly.


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