The Dragon's Head Blog
Tak hlboko a stále jasno
Tá schopnosť nechať veci plynúť, ktorú sa učíme, nás prinúti upustiť od predstavy, že tam niekde je cieľ, ktorý musíme dosiahnuť. V skutočnosti nakoniec zistíme, že cieľom je cesta sama, len sa musíme zaviazať k tomu, aby sme po nej pokračovali spolu s mnohými inými a mnohými inými tak odlišnými a s jeho múdrym […]
Astma a cvičenie umení Taoist Tai Chi®
Bola som veľmi mladá, keď som začala mať problémy s alergickou astmou, ktoré boli najsilnejšie hlavne na jar. Preto si už roky musím pravidelne sledovať hladinu kyslíka v krvi (pO2) oxymetrom: až donedávna boli hodnoty 90-92%, čo bolo pre lekárov prijateľné. Cvičením umení Taoist Tai Chi (začala som pred 8 rokmi) tieto hodnoty stúpli a stabilizovali sa […]
Zoom vedomia
7. Novembra 2020, v deň plánovaných osláv 50. výročia, sme sa zhromaždili zo všetkých štyroch pobočiek v Taliansku na Zoome Vedomia. Opäť sme si uvedomili silu umení taoistického Tai Chi, pripomenuli si, že nie sme sami a podelili sa o múdrosť učenia majstra Moya. Bola to príležitosť byť spoločne šťastní, zdieľať skúsenosti, pripomenúť si navzájom […]
A happy constraint
I must say that, until recently, I was not constant in my individual practice: a few exercises and only occasionally, given that our club was there for practicing with the others, so …The lockdown made it impossible to practice in a group and therefore practicing alone was the only option. It was a happy constraint […]
a set-saver on the wall
I work in an Epidemiology Department so, from the very beginning, the lock-down found me in so called smart working, meaning working at home with a big load, many hours a day, seven days a week. Tense and tired, I started practicing foundations, every now and then during the day, just to stretch and slow […]
Every-day discovery
I have always known that Tai Chi works miracles on my health, but during this lockdown I have rediscovered its benefits in a more in-depth way, thanks to the perseverance in practising almost every day. After two months, I feel that my physical and mental health has enormously benefited from it! Initially, I could not […]
Italy, first intensive of 2020
In Florence last Saturday, after sharing the joy of practice in an intensive, the evening ended with a very Italian Tiramisù prepared by a member, to participate in the launch of the Society 50th anniversary! Best wishes to all of us, lucky heirs of Master Moy’s teachings, all around the world
International Workshop in Rome
The weekend of the 9th and 10th of April Rome experienced another exciting international workshop, led by Paul Davies, member of the FLK Board of Directors and the ERC, and Kerstin Gummelt, member of the ERC. Participating were 87 people from seven different countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Great Britain, Switzerland, Germany and Italy). Paul reminded us that […]
2nd Awareness Day in Italy
Even the rain could not suppress the spirit of our members! Our second ever Awareness Day was held in Rome on the 10th of October with a good number of our members present, some curious tourists and umbrellas!
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