The Dragon's Head Blog
Reflections on Chanting
Chanting has been an important part of my Taoist Tai Chi® practice and so I was glad to join the Saturday sessions as we chant for the world. At first, I was very much aware of hearing my own voice superimposed over the voices of the leaders and this seemed a distraction to me, but […]
Taoist Tai Chi® in the Classroom
A project in the Quebec City Area shows that it is possible for 9-10 year old children to appreciate, and benefit from, Taoist Tai Chi® arts. Tracey teaches a grade 4 class. She began practicing Taoist Tai Chi® 2 years ago. She immediately thought of her students. She said: Wow! I would love for my […]
The Profound Source of Taoism
Last weekend participants from many regions gathered together in Longueuil for a Lok Hup Ba Fa program. Learning and practicing the first part of the Lok Hup Ba Fa set was a wonderful opportunity to work together and further our understanding of the rich tradition of FLK. Chris Lewis, our instructor, shared with us the […]
Atlantic Region in Canada Celebrates The Year Of The Dog
On February 17/18, the Atlantic Region in Canada celebrated the Year of the Dog with a workshop and a banquet. Participants worked hard on don yus, tor yus and segments of the set during the day. Members of the Nova Scotia Legislative Assembly, Tony Ince, Larry Harrison, Brendon Maquire and Halifax councillor Shawn Leary joined […]
Beginner Weekend and Interfaith Harmony in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Fifty people joined in a weekend beginner class on Jan 27th and 28th, enjoying two invigorating days of learning, eating and working together. On Sunday we had an addition to the day as 12 guests joined us as part of World Interfaith Harmony Week in Halifax. Many people around the city will be visiting various […]
Because It Works
On October 21 and 22 over 180 participants gathered from all branches of the Eastern Region of Canada for a national program led by FLK President Marsha Eberhardt. We spent two days working together to discover how to move in harmony and relaxation all the while keeping centered. Master Moy shared with us a tradition […]
A Deepening Understanding of The East In The East
The Atlantic Region national program held in Halifax, Nova Scotia on October 14th and 15th was an amazing whirl of colour, laughter, friendship and fantastic food. Jim Gazzard from Hamilton, Ontario brought to us so much more than what we ever expected. It was a true experience of Taoist Tai Chi® practice. By showing us […]
Tai Chi Puts Wind in the Sails
Last Thursday participants from the Québec City branch went to the Tall Ships Regatta to enjoy the festivities and do a few demos. Demos at the harbour may well become a summer tradition as the tall ships visited the area last year and we were there. After the demos we visited some of the […]
National Program in Longueuil, Canada
The regional centre, in Longueuil, Quebec, was already a hive of activity when Chris Lewis, the leader of the national program, shared with us that „organizing a workshop was the workshop“. Organizing a program would give us the opportunity to learn „who are we and how we do things“. Chris suggested change as the theme […]
To Your Health! A Plentiful Evening in Longueuil, Canada
Friday, April 7, just before 7 pm. The air is full of excitement at the regional centre in Longueuil, Québec. It is a very special evening as the region open its doors to the public and our Members of Parliament. Within this new format, it is once again an excellent opportunity for us to present […]
Chinese New Year Celebration in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
Two major February storms could not dampen a joyous celebration of Chinese New Year in St. John’s on February 18. The weekend began with an instructors’ development session on Friday night, and Saturday’s intensive had us working hard on toryus, danyus and parting wild horse’s mane. We also learned how to host […]
Chinese New Year Celebration in Canada’s Atlantic Region
A busy weekend at the Atlantic Regional Centre began with a day-long program and culminated with a splendid Chinese New Year banquet. A cocktail hour with wine and hors d’oeuvres was lively, filling the room with laughter and talk as members mingled with guests and invited dignitaries. A couple of talented members entertained us, Maritime style, with songs […]
Lok Hup Ba Fa at Eastern Regional Centre in Longueuil, Quebec
What a memorable weekend in early December. It was truly extraordinary to gather together for a Lok Hup Ba Fa program under the guidance of Marsha Eberhardt, President of the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism. With Marsha leading the way, we practiced this ancient art steeped in the Taoist tradition and became acquainted with […]
Working on a wonderful treasure
130 participants from Eastern Region assembled for a national program at the Longueuil location in October. Under the guidance of Susan Lundy, international director and instructor in Central Region, assisted by the Eastern Region Instruction Committee, we practised the Taoist Tai Chi arts with particular emphasis on the foundation exercises. The two days were filled […]
Autumn Festival at Baie-Saint-Paul, Québec
The Autumn Dreams Festival at Baie-Saint-Paul, Québec, invited us to introduce Taoist Tai Chi to festival goers throughout the festival, which was held in two locations over several days. People from all over the world had the opportunity to try Taoist Tai Chi, and, brochure in hand, they can return home knowing where to find […]
Demo and Free Class near Tewkesbury, Quebec
Close to 20 participants from Lac-Beauport and Charlesbourg gathered for a demo and to give free classes in the magnificent area of Tewkesbury north of Quebec City. The annual public market was the perfect opportunity for us to introduce people to the many health benefits of Taoist Tai Chi®. It was quite enjoyable to work […]
Working Together in Charlesbourg, Quebec
Instructors from the Quebec City branch met on Sunday Sept. 11th for a wonderful day of tai chi and discussion in Charlesbourg. The day started with a class and proved an excellent occasion to welcome new participants. A potluck lunch and afternoon period of discussion rounded out a very enriching day. Each time there is […]
Celebrating Ten Years of Taoist Tai Chi in Rivière-du-Loup, Quebec
A great demo, a grand dragon, a grateful celebration Close to 140 participants came together to celebrate the Taoist Tai Chi® arts in Rivière-du-Loup last weekend. Under the guidance of Joé Thibault and other members of the Regional Instruction Committee, program participants worked together in harmony and simplicity, in recognition of the rich tradition […]
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