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The Dragon's Head Blog

Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings from Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism. Wishing peace and joy to everyone this holiday season.
Expanding in Body and Mind

Expanding in Body and Mind

Participants from 13 countries gathered at the Taoist Tai Chi™ retreat in the Southern European Center in Madrid.  Although the days are getting shorter and darker here in December the hall was warm and colourful vibrating with the energy and joy from all the participants sharing Mr Moy’s teachings about the Tao. After the first set we […]
Lord of the Water Realm

Lord of the Water Realm

Tomorrow, participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism will gather to chant the Three Seasons Scripture to commemorate the Festival of the Lord of the Water Realm.
Festival Goon Yam

Festival Goon Yam

Účastníci Fung Loy Kok z dvadsiatich piatich krajín budú 20. októbra chantovať na oslavu a inšpiráciu Goon Yam (Guanyin), bódhisattvu súcitu.
Festival dvoch deviatok 2024

Festival dvoch deviatok 2024

Účastníci Inštitútu taoizmu Fung Loy Kok chantujú Písmo synovskej a dcérskej oddanosti na oslavu Festivalu dvoch deviatok v deviaty deň deviateho lunárneho mesiaca (11. októbra).
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