The Dragon's Head Blog
Festival lampiónov
Happy New Year
Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism looks forward to celebrating the Lunar New Year and Lantern Festival.
Oslávte Lampiónový Festival vo Februári 24!
Oslávte Lampiónový Festival vo Februári 24!
Oslávte Lampiónový Festival vo Februári 24!
Oslávte Lampiónový Festival vo Februári 24!
Oslávte Lampiónový Festival vo Februári 24!
Oslávte Lampiónový Festival vo Februári 24!
Zámer na tento rok
Prostredníctvom lampiónových požehnaní vyjadrujeme náš zámer na tento rok a prajeme si to najlepšie pre seba aj pre tých, na ktorých nám záleží. V roku draka sa naše srdcia spájajú, aby uskutočnili naše priania mieru a bezpečia vo svete.
Šťastný Nový Lunárny Rok!
Šťastný Nový Lunárny Rok!
Lantern Festival – International Centre
Recently we were asked, “how can we take better care of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts?” This year, as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary, there are opportunities to reflect on the uniqueness of our teachings. The International Centre in Canada, in the winter, offered a ‘quiet’ that seems harder to find in the bustle of everyday […]
A Joyous Lantern Festival
Volunteers and staff prepared for the joyous Lantern Festival for days and weeks beforehand. The kitchen was busy into the night on Thursday so that Friday was not so hectic. The lights blazing in the practice hall were a warm beacon all Friday night until Saturday dawned chill and bright and clear. As visitors, guests […]
Lantern Festival in pictures
A little over 700 people sat down in the Banquet Hall at the International Centre on February 21st, 2016 for 8 courses of delicious Chinese vegetarian dishes. Followed by about a 100 volunteers that helped with the setup, serving, bussing, dishwashing and the many many other tasks that are a part of this wonderful annual event. […]
Lantern Festival 2016
Awaiting the arrival of 800 guests for Lantern Festival Jai Lunch.
All are welcome to Lantern Festival in Orangeville!
The International Centre in Orangeville, Ontario is pleased to be hosting this year’s Lantern Festival on Sunday, February 21st at 12 noon. Everyone is welcome to this event, which will feature a traditional jai banquet, chanting, entertainment, and of course lantern sales! The Lantern Festival is a Chinese tradition going back many centuries. Typically held […]
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