The Dragon's Head Blog
Fung Loy Kok Supports ‚A Dream Come True‘ Campaign
Following Master Moy’s teachings to help others in need, FLKTTC has become a proud sponsor of ‚A Dream Come True‘, a community-based fundraising campaign for less fortunate youth in the City of Markham. The announcement was made at a press conference launching the event, held at Canadian Chinese Radio Station in Markham. This campaign targets […]
The Taoist Tai Chi Society in Spain’s Got Talent
Talented cooks, talented musicians, talented interior designer … all this talent, garnished with lots of loving care and high spirits, has been displayed in the last days in the different holiday season celebrations throughout Spain, from large branches to small locations.
Tampa Bay Area Holiday Party in Tampa, Florida
The Tampa Bay, Florida branches came together on December 10th, for their first joint holiday party. Over 170 participants from Dunedin, Brandon, St Petersburg, Temple Terrace and Sarasota met at the historic Centro Asturiano de Tampa, a recently renovated 1902 Spanish social club. In keeping with the Spanish theme, participants were treated to a performance of a trio of flamenco dancers, […]
Festive Party in United Kingdom
The festive season started wonderfully for us in Great Britain with an intensive led by President Crispin Barker, a beautiful meal, crazy quiz and musical entertainment with full-blooded participation, including a rowdy and fun version of Twelve Days of Christmas with each group taking a verse/day and performing actions. Can you identify any of the days […]
Lamballe Center France Hosts Holiday Intensive
Last Saturday, Lamballe center in France hosted a christmas intensive leaded by Ankie Boumans. 88 participants attended from Brittany and Saint Etienne. Ankie instructed us how improving our balance in working on a better centered move. After a potluck lunch prepared in the French food tradition, we spent the afternoon to learn and practice Haïkus, […]
Holiday Gala in Portland, Oregon
For over a decade the Portland branch has enjoyed a holiday gala including a festive meal and intensive. This year 140 participants enjoyed a meal with delicious entrees from the branch kitchen plus mouthwatering potluck sides, salads and desserts. The windowsill snowmen from our first „Make a Snowman Contest“ (no real snow allowed) were honored […]
Annual Holiday Potluck in Windsor, Ontario
Just a short time before Christmas and all throughout the Windsor branch over 100 participants, family and friends got together for a home-cooked meal prepared by all on Saturday December 3. The Windsor Banjos played softly while 25 children danced and sang and made crafts throughout the day. As Santa arrived they jumped and they cheered […]
Seniors‘ Day in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands, October 7 is called National Day of Seniors, a reason for us to organise an event for the senior members in our society. So we invited them to our centre in Helmond and asked them to bring a senior friend. Twenty-three seniors and seniors-in-training joined for a chat, a demo, a set, a […]
Autumn Festival at Baie-Saint-Paul, Québec
The Autumn Dreams Festival at Baie-Saint-Paul, Québec, invited us to introduce Taoist Tai Chi to festival goers throughout the festival, which was held in two locations over several days. People from all over the world had the opportunity to try Taoist Tai Chi, and, brochure in hand, they can return home knowing where to find […]
Volunteer Testimony from International Centre, Orangeville
Spending a weekend as a volunteer at Orangeville was a great experience. We had the chance to work together digging and planting new flower beds, but more than that, we got to know other tai chi practitioners from all over the world. We enjoyed classes together, great food and pleasant surroundings. When people thanked me […]
Spring Sunday in Stirling, Australia
Stirling branch members met for brunch and tai chi in the park on a beautiful spring Sunday morning. After a long, wet winter it was an enjoyable opportunity to share food and enjoy practising Taoist Tai Chi® arts with the promise of better weather in the air.
Holyrood, Newfoundland Annual Intensive and BBQ
On July 9, 32 members of the Newfoundland branch (Atlantic Region, Canada) plus friends and family gathered for our annual intensive and BBQ in beautiful Holyrood, near St John’s. The three hour intensive included practice of several moves and, of course, sets. This annual event is another great way for newer members to become more […]
Surrey, British Columbia Hosts Annual Picnic
A fun time was had by over 60 people and 3 dogs at the annual Surrey Branch Picnic on Saturday, July 23. Attendees from the Surrey, Chilliwack, and Vancouver branches were enthusiastic about doing the „109th tai chi move“ as they dug into the variety of foods brought for the potluck get-together. Sets of tai […]
Etobicoke Holds Spring Luncheon Fundraiser Event
On June 13th, the Etobicoke location held their 3rd annual Spring Luncheon. It was another successful event with 50 people in attendance. We had live music, a raffle and excellent food! This year we raised $710.00! It will go toward the FLK pledge to the Alberta Fire Relief.
Twenty Years of Improved Health in Cambridge
Eighty members and special guests met at the Phoenix Restaurant in Histon to celebrate 20 years of classes of Taoist Tai Chi® arts in Cambridge with a delicious Chinese meal. We were honoured by the presence of Sarah Sayer of Cambridge Live, Eve Dziura of the Meadows Community Centre and Dr. Wei Sun of the […]
Tea Party in the Style of the Sixties
The tea party at Colchester has become an annual event. This time it had a 60’s theme and was at the weekend. As always there was lots of fun and lots of food.
Brunches familials printaniers dans les sections
Dimanche le 1er mai dernier, les sections ont célébré le printemps avec le brunch familial! Dans une ambiance très sympathique, les invités ont été accueillis avec des tables pleines de nourriture et ont pu faire l’essai des arts taoïstes: le tai chi, le tai chi au sabre, le tai chi à l’épée, le Lok Hup […]
Volunteering On the Trail in Dunedin, Florida
It was a perfect 65°F early morning as we gathered our „single whip“ grabbers, buckets and bags. We volunteer to keep a mile clean on our Pinellas County bike and walking trail and are fortunate to have our mile near the International Center in Florida. We also like that our portion of the trail parallels […]
Mother’s Day Banquet in Sarasota, Florida
Nearly 80 joined in on the fun at the Mother’s Day banquet hosted by the Sarasota, Florida branch. A full seven-course dinner was served bringing oohhhs and aahhhhs from the delighted participants. The menu comprised a spring salad with blueberries, cranberry chicken, sweet and sour fish and more. It was easy to understand the happy […]
International Center Florida Hosts Tampa Bay Area Participants
The International Center Florida hosted 230 participants for lunch and a tour of the facilities on April 14th. Members of the Dunedin Branch were very busy in preparation for participants from all over the Tampa Bay area coming to Dunedin Thursday morning. Upon arriving, participants walked the grounds outside of the construction fence around buildings A […]
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