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The Dragon's Head Blog

Aktuality z centier
Expanding in Body and Mind

Expanding in Body and Mind

Participants from 13 countries gathered at the Taoist Tai Chi™ retreat in the Southern European Center in Madrid.  Although the days are getting shorter and darker here in December the hall was warm and colourful vibrating with the energy and joy from all the participants sharing Mr Moy’s teachings about the Tao. After the first set we […]
Harmónia a seba oprava

Harmónia a seba oprava

Účastníci využili príležitosť harmonicky spolupracovať a prehĺbiť svoje chápanie učenia majstra Moya, vytvoriť si nové návyky, ktoré im pomôžu zlepšiť ich duševné a fyzické zdravie. Počas piatich dní sa kládol dôraz na základné princípy a základy  Taoist Tai Chi™ umení.  Každý deň sa pracovalo na don-yu a účastníci sa mohli podeliť o pocity, ktoré z toho […]
Zastavte vozík a opýtajte sa na cestu

Zastavte vozík a opýtajte sa na cestu

Pri príchode do centra bola atmosféra plná pokojnej čistej a sviežej energie ničím nerušenej, pohľad na záhradu bol potešením. Kuchyňa bola pripravená. Dobrovoľníci z centra boli zaneprázdnení starostlivosťou o náš domov v rámci príprav na príchod hosťujúcich členov. Počas júnových cvičení na základe sobotňajších rozhovorov s FLK sa uskutočnila transformácia mysle a tela. Zmeny nastali po […]
Return to the Center

Return to the Center

Recently I took the opportunity to return to the International Center.  The main entrance was closed, so a new gate could be constructed.  I drove slowly via a path carved through the forest, behind the pond.  I welcomed this slower pace as it gave me more solitary time to reflect on the beauty of nature […]
Lions Restored at the International Center Florida

Lions Restored at the International Center Florida

Steve Spathelf, Dunedin’s famous orange artist, returns to the International Center Florida to undertake the restoration of the resident lions. These lions started their life as guardians at the entrance of the International Centre at Orangeville, Ontario, Canada, but after many severe winters they were relocated to sunny Florida. Now they await the opportunity to greet […]
Keeping the Light

Keeping the Light

The Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA supports the Dunedin FL Chamber of Commerce celebration of “keeping the light“ to lead a positive path through COVID19.  Purchasing white paper lanterns for us to decorate helped support a Community Responders project. Thanks to our creative decorator! A nice way to support our community.
67 participants and volunteers work together International Taoist Retreat in the Netherlands

67 participants and volunteers work together International Taoist Retreat in the Netherlands

It was wonderful to discover how it feels to put our minds into our spines, there seems to be always more.  Meanwhile, volunteers in the Centre helped to run everything smoothly, making sure there was food and all kinds of things that were needed. Adding to the full experience, we enjoyed some chanting in the morning and practiced lok hup in the evening. Now we have our ‘homework’, and we will be sure to come back for more opportunities to meet and practice together. We are very grateful that we can practice these internal arts to improve our health. “Today was a great moment for me. I have a very stiff back and balance problems due to polio […]
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