The Dragon's Head Blog
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Day Four of International Seniors‘ Week in Helmond, Netherlands
Every day we started with chanting. Some members said that the more they chant the more they learn to appreciate it and enjoy the benefits of it. It’s like tai chi: the more you do it, the better the understanding. What a pity we only have one more morning left during this forever young […]
Day Three of International Seniors‘ Week in Helmond, Netherlands
Today the focus was on the continuous circling movement in the toryu and wave hands like clouds. A lot of us experienced a massage of the inside. It was so great we can’t wait to find out what we will be learning of Taoist Tai Chi® arts on days four and five of the workshop.
Day Two of International Seniors‘ Week in Helmond, Netherlands
Talking about the incredible health benefits of practicing Taoist Tai Chi® arts, Marsha and Andrew suggested that next year we won’t call such an event a seniors week but rather the workshop could be called a forever young workshop.
International Seniors‘ Week in Helmond, Netherlands Starts
On the first day 95 seniors (and future seniors) listened to Andrew Hung and Marsha Eberhardt who helped us to better understand coiling and also to stand up fully.
Preparing for the Seniors‘ Workshop on Center-Do-Day in Helmond, Netherlands
The day started off with a continuing class. We deepened our understanding of the danyu and applied our practice of Taoist Tai Chi® arts in appear to close entrance and cross hands. About 30 people enjoyed delicious tray-baked chicken for lunch. The market stall with cuttings and seedlings was a meeting place throughout the […]
Volunteering On the Trail in Dunedin, Florida
It was a perfect 65°F early morning as we gathered our „single whip“ grabbers, buckets and bags. We volunteer to keep a mile clean on our Pinellas County bike and walking trail and are fortunate to have our mile near the International Center in Florida. We also like that our portion of the trail parallels […]
Springtime at the International Centre
Nearly 130 participants from many parts of the globe arrived at the International Centre for Spring Tai Chi Week. Along with the blush of early spring the delicate blooms of the season and the hardy heather we came to learn and practice Taoist Tai Chi® arts including, among other things, how to work together. For […]
International Center Florida Construction Update for the Week Ending May 1, 2016
Things are progressing at the International Center in Florida. In building A, the historic Fenway Hotel, a mock-up room is being constructed to allow for changes that may be needed. The electrical room had 12 feed lines installed under the footer and then concrete was poured to secure them. […]
International Center Florida Hosts Tampa Bay Area Participants
The International Center Florida hosted 230 participants for lunch and a tour of the facilities on April 14th. Members of the Dunedin Branch were very busy in preparation for participants from all over the Tampa Bay area coming to Dunedin Thursday morning. Upon arriving, participants walked the grounds outside of the construction fence around buildings A […]
Construction Update on International Center in Dunedin, Florida for March 21, 2016
Restoration work continues at our second International Center. Framing teams continue construction of the load-bearing walls and have begun replacement of the girders on the second floor of the northeast wing. Plumbers continue to work in the southeast wing. The lobby scaffolding around the new support column has been removed. Work on the new lobby […]
Tampa Bay Times Article and Video Progress at the Fenway Hotel
On Friday, March 18th, the Tampa Bay Times will run the following article with an online video of the work being done at the International Center Florida, Fenway Hotel and the Society. Watch the video Tampa Bay Times Article Even during its latest 10-year stint as a vacant building, the historic Fenway Hotel has remained […]
Things are Heating Up at the International Centre
Centre volunteers have been busy working long days harvesting and preparing the sap collected from our property’s maple trees. Once in the evaporator the sap is boiled down until it reaches the right level of sweetness. The delicious liquid is then brought over to the kitchen to be filtered and bottled.
International Center Florida Construction Update for March 11, 2016
There has been lots of activity in the southeast wing of the A building (the Fenway Hotel). This wing has had the roof dried-in. This refers to the process of applying a layer of roofing paper, tar and a thick rubber material to waterproof the roof. The final roofing material layer for all of the wings […]
Colchester – coming to a close
The latest International Workshop in Great Britain closed with a vote of thanks by Crispin, and a show of appreciation by the participants. Andrew gave news of the Fenway, and everyone gave a big cheer for the kitchen team.
Colchester workshop – all together
All together – 193 participants for 5 days, and a further 51 for the weekend – plus volunteer helpers.
Colchester – Sunday morning at Home
Early Sunday morning in Colchester, before the programme starts, participants visit the shrine, and practice together.
Colchester – whole-body turning
Saturday afternoon – Andrew asked Theo from Cambridge and Yvonne from Netherlands to practice Single Whip, and talk about how it feels.
Colchester fishing update part 2
Saturday morning: Catherine from Suffolk has been seen to walk with the aid of two trekking poles, so Andrew invited her to find her inner fishing rod instead. The effects were clear to see, and she spoke of how it felt. Dave from Cambridgeshire has lived with MS for many years, and always speaks very […]
Colchester – the Weekend starts here
Saturday morning, and another 60 people join the International Workshop. The Set now fills the hall, before words of welcome for the new arrivals.
Colchester fishing update part 1
On Friday night, while reviewing our Needle at Sea Bottom, Andrew asked Crispin to demonstrate how the structure is like a fishing rod, and soon we were all catching fish together.
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