The Dragon's Head Blog
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Fun with the internals in Helmond
Nice challenge to set up for the banquet celebrating 30 years of Taoist Tai Chi in the Netherlands and Chinese New Year on the first day of the workshop. A very joyful celebration as we tried to work with no arms but from the heart. A very international celebration as the workshop was organised […]
The quiet centre of the workshop – Colchester, GB
Days 3 and 4 reach that wonderful quietness when everyone has connected more with their centre, and is harmoniously engaging with their tai chi neighbours in the rich and varied life of the programme: Morning chanting …. Tai chi instruction and practise …. Lunch and clear away …. Tai chi instruction and practise, deeper, quieter […]
Tai Chi internals – Colchester, GB
At our Home in Colchester, GB, a hundred participants gather for a spring 5-day international programme. After breakfast and before the programme starts, a chance to practise chanting, with the 10,000 Buddha’s sutra. The tai chi instruction follows some simple themes to access the internals. Participants put the instructions into practice, with help and guidance, […]
Day 5 Lok Hup / Pain Relief Program – International Center Florida
Our bodies, hearts, and minds have been opened with the fullness of this week. Daily chanting and meditation nourished our spirit. As this Lok Hup/Pain Relief week comes to a close we can sincerely appreciate Master Moy’s vision of almost 50 years. The culmination of understanding has brought us here where we can take care of […]
Day 4 – Lok Hup /Pain Relief Program International Center Florida
Participants reflect on their practice this week. -Lok Hup is health recovery for me, I’m feeling like water and the quiet is so profound. -Lok Hup helps me maintain my mobility, especially with my hip injury. -Lok Hup is pain relief for my lower back. I’m finding the tor yu and don yu and enjoying […]
Day 3 Lok Hup/Pain Relief Week – International Center Florida
We have heard stories of Master Moy advising those with health concerns to practice more don yu and tor yu. So, how do we integrate don yu and tor yu with pain relief. Marsha suggests that applying intention of the principles of pressing down, expanding and letting go we become aware of how this makes […]
Lok Hup/Pain Relief Week – International Center Florida
Softer, quieter, less athletic, less work; more feeling on the inside; letting go for the movement to work on you. These opening comments greeted over 80 participants to the International Center in Florida on April 3rd for a combined 2nd half Lok Hup and Pain Relief Week. “Knowing the moves will only take you so […]
International program in the Southern European Center with banquet of the Chinese New Year
It was a splendid banquet and we were honored with the attendance of several representatives from different countries and associations of the field of health, all that in a festive and cheerful atmosphere. Both the organization and the realization of the banquet were carried out by volunteer members from thirteen different countries. We also had […]
Program in the South European Center
A great day to start the international workshop in the South European Center with Andrew Hung and more than a hundred participants.
Pain Relief Week – International Center Florida
Feeling every move and ‚not holding‘ were the directions given participants attending the February 2019 pain relief workshop held at the FLK International Tai Chi Centre in Dunedin, Florida. Our work focused on feeling every move throughout the set and ‚not holding‘ while turning the spine, dropping elbows and arms, expanding diagonally, laterally and vertically, […]
Weekend Program – International Center Florida
Letting the light in and throwing out the trash! (from our bodies of course) Participants at the 2 day International workshop at International Center Florida learning anti-aging methods like loading up and elbows down. The circulation was moving as spines were turning. We worked on our cardiovascular health, and full body chain of motion. The […]
Welcoming new Beginners at a Weekend in Colchester GB
At our European Centre in Colchester, 63 participants enjoyed a Beginner Weekend, supported by 27 volunteer helpers. Two days of working on finding balance, standing tall, and expansion and contraction.
Consistently applying circular movements
[rl_gallery id=“13625″] In Helmond Andrew Hung guided 77 participants from 8 countries in their search for opening and roundness in every move. We practised together in harmony and consistently, this helped us to enhance our understanding and make a step towards the next stage. During the evening sessions we practised more circular movements while going […]
International Workshop in Colchester
There’s a 3-day International programme running in Colchester. The second day started with chanting after breakfast and some tai chi. We’re working on using the spine to generate movement, finding the circles in those movements – looking for the feeling, rather than focusing on the 108 moves of our tai chi Set. And we’re working […]
Welcoming the Year of the Boar in Colchester
The first of this year’s European Chinese New Year banquets was held on Friday 25 January at our Home in Colchester. Cooking had started the day before; table setting was largely complete by lunchtime – mostly by volunteers who had arrived early for the 3-day weekend workshop, and partly by volunteers coming in to help […]
Day 4 – Lok Hup Program
Day 4 With this as her first Lok Hup Ba Fa experience, one woman said that she could already see how the program has improved her Taoist Tai Chi®️ practice. Maybe attending a program is a New Year’s resolution everyone should make!
Day 3 – Lok Hup Week
Day 3 Whether you know someone coming to a program or not, by the end, you will have renewed old acquaintances and made new friends with whom to share your next program.
30 years celebrations kick off in the Netherlands
Thirty years ago, the first Taoist Tai Chi® arts class started in the Netherlands. From that moment on, our learning and development started. And last Saturday we came together to do 30 sets in a row as a kickoff of the celebrations of our 30th anniversary. What a fun day was that! Lots of members […]
Day 2 – Lok Hup Ba Fa Program – International Center Florida
Day 2 Each program is a unique experience. You never know what will greet you but you know it will be an experience you will treasure. This Lok Hup Ba Fa program is small but how lovely to get what feels like personal directions.
Lok Hup Week – International Center Florida
Lok Hup 2019 Day 1 “Having the session of the Lok Hup Ba Fa during the Central Region Program has not made me as anxious as I would have been.” – John, Burlington Participant responses when the instructor asked, “How do you feel?” Feel energized More than just the moves Feel taller Pulsing on the […]
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