The Dragon's Head Blog
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Chinese New Year 2019 – International Center Florida
Chinese New Year 2019 The Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism and Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA celebrated the Chinese New Year Banquet for the Year of the Earth Pig, at the International Center Florida in Dunedin, on January 12th. In attendance were 210 guests including Dunedin Mayor Julie Bujalski, Dunedin Commissioner Jeff […]
Refreshing our home in Colchester, GB
A small hardworking team gave the Colchester practice hall carpet a good clean, to get the centre ready for a new year’s programme of events. It’s fun working together, and good to refresh our home. –
Central Region Program – Day 3 Quotes
Day 3 Quotation from participants on how they are feeling so far into the program: “I was impressed by the friendliness and the community of the whole group.” – Margaret, Texas, first time workshop attendee “I love the mixture of the Chanting, Meditation,Taoist Tai Chi®️ arts and Lok Hup Ba Fa. I feel the full experience […]
Central Region Program – Day 2
Day 2 From kitchen duties to chanting to sitting meditation to our Taoist Tai Chi®️ practice to quiet standing to a discussion of future projects to more practice to dinner out in the restaurants of Dunedin. All in one day – wow!
Central Region 2019 – Day 1
Central Region 2019 Day 1 Recognizing the fullness and richness of our internal arts practice with chanting in the morning and of course, a set. Then surprise Lok Hup in the evening.
Sending Food Bank parcels in Colchester, GB
All wrapped up in time for the festive period – Taoist Tai Chi Society members at the Centre in Colchester support the local food bank again this year, raising over 350 kg of food, lovingly boxed.
When two ideas melt to become one!
The Dutch Seniors committee liked to organize an activity to celebrate International Seniors Day in which they could sing together songs from the old days. And the Belgian board liked to organize a Christmas lunch. So why not combine these two? We did – on Sunday December 9th there was a Sing Along Christmas lunch in the TTCS Centre in Helmond. The […]
Ending the five-day workshop in the Southern European Center
We are in the last two days of this five-day workshop in Madrid. Today the weekend participants have joined. We have worked on the understanding of the Dan-yus with an emphasis on timing.
Continuing the International Program at the Southern European Center
We continue on the international program in the Southern European Center, we continue to deepen our understanding of the Taoist arts with the same varied and complete program: breakfast; Fung Loy Kok; lunch; Tai Chi; Dinner; Lok Hup.
International Program at the Southern European Center
Amazing starting day of the international program at the Southern European Center. We started with a Chanting session, followed by sitting meditation and two Tai Chi sets. After lunch we continued with a Tai Chi session, and after dinner it was time for Lok Hup. In short, Fung Loy Kok, Tai Chi and Lok Hup […]
Thanksgiving Day Class at the Fenway Hotel
On Thanksgiving Day, particpants of the Dunedin Branch gathered together with members of the community to enjoy a Taoist Tai Chi® class on the lawn of the Fenway hotel. It has long been a holiday tradition at our branch to have Tai Chi on the beach. This year was extra special! Building on the enthusiasm of […]
A Doe Dag in Helmond as an appetizer
On November 10th, members from Belgium travelled to Helmond (NL) for a Doe Dag – it’s s now a ritual for us to take care of the Center once a year. A Continuing class was running while our great kitchen team was cooking simple but delicious Belgian recipes. So that during the lunch, we could hear here and there, „hmm, it’s super good“, […]
Seniors Week and International Seniors Day Celebrated at the International Center Florida
QUOTES FROM PARTICIPANTS IN INTERNATIONAL SENIORS WEEK, NOVEMBER 5-9, 2018 SENIORS WEEK PROGRAM: My first workshop since starting in February this year. Not too surprised to see so many seniors, but still amazed at their abilities. Wonderful to have in-depth instruction and to participate in discussions on how we are individually being helped. […]
Be A Part Of the Celebration As We Officially Open The International Center Florida on November 3, 2018
Be a Part of the Celebration as we Officially open the International Center Florida on Nov. 3, 2018. The big day is almost here! Hundreds of international Tai Chi practitioners are on their way or are already here to help us celebrate the official grand opening of the International Center Florida on November 3, 2018 […]
Getting Ready for You!
Many hands make light work. Where have you heard this before? On the move at International Center Florida
Coiling in Colchester
Participants from across the UK and Europe are dreaming of circles, after five days of coiling and ‘turning from the spine’ at the International programme in Colchester. The focus was very much on the *feeling* of the moves, as over one hundred people worked together to connect to the internals in their Taoist […]
Mayor visits Bayswater National Centre
Yesterday the Bayswater Mayor Dan Bull dropped by to see our National Centre and enjoy lunch with 135 of our Taoist Tai Chi workshop participants. During a tour of the centre he was introduced to the finer points of the Taoist shrine, and saw a demonstration of Taoist Tai Chi® arts.
Exercising the bones while playing with circles
International Program Helmond in The Netherlands 26 -30 September 2018 During the 5 day program in Helmond we were helped to experience the power of dropping the elbows and coiling the hands and arms. As Andrew Hung said these moves work on the bones and make us forever young. Our understanding of the power of […]
Treasuring the Teachings
A small group of dedicated people, showing great care and respect, gave the shrine in Colchester a thorough clean. It needed it. The work was satisfying and quite therapeutic and the spirit of the whole building feels lighter and brighter.
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