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The Dragon's Head Blog

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Harmony in Essex

Harmony in Essex

Essex is a county in Great Britain where many people practise Taoist Tai ChiTM arts. On Wednesday participants from South East Essex hired a coach and joined others in North East Essex for chanting and tai chi. Everyone enjoyed meeting up together and sharing lunch. We love to have people visit the Taoist Tai Chi […]
Finding the Source in Helmond

Finding the Source in Helmond

During the terrific five-day international workshop in Helmond,  67 participants played, experienced and felt the extension, contraction, weight-shifting and elasticity in every move of the set. Andrew Hung clarified that these elements are the source, better known as the don-yu and the tor-yu.  When we started with the first set at the beginning of the […]
一干二净  Cleaning the Kitchen

一干二净 Cleaning the Kitchen

Yat guon yi jang is a Chinese idiom meaning either very clean or thoroughly/completely and as such is a particularly appropriate title for a post about thoroughly cleaning the kitchen here at the International Centre in Orangeville. We took everything out, scrubbed down the equipment, floors, walls, and shelves, hosed them off, organised everything, and […]
Chanting for Master Moy

Chanting for Master Moy

Chanters gathered at the International Centre on June 6 to pay their respects on the 20th anniversary of Master Moy Lin Shin’s death. Chanting was performed in the Three Religions temple in the morning and Memorial Hall in the afternoon. Offerings were also burned to bring comfort and peace.
International Center Florida Grand Opening will be November 3rd, 2018

International Center Florida Grand Opening will be November 3rd, 2018

Our newest International Center in Dunedin, Florida is getting closer to being ready. Excited for the Grand Opening on Nov 3, 2018. Our newest International Center in Dunedin, FL is getting closer to being ready. Excited for the Grand Opening on Nov 3, 2018. #TaoistTaiChi #balance #BecauseItWorks — Taoist Tai Chi® (@taoisttaichisoc) April 8, […]
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