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The Dragon's Head Blog

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Second Half of Lok Hup in Dunedin, Florida

Second Half of Lok Hup in Dunedin, Florida

Practicing and learning together,meditating together,eating together, tasking together, and visiting the almost complete practice hall at the International Center. We were honored by the participation of Marsha Eberhardt, president of the International Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi Society. What an amazing week we’ve had! 109 eager participants worked together to understand and apply the […]
First Session of Taoist Tai Chi® Arts at New Practice Hall of International Center Florida

First Session of Taoist Tai Chi® Arts at New Practice Hall of International Center Florida

Participants of Lok Hup Week held in Dunedin, Florida, USA, were the first to practice Taoist Tai Chi® arts in the new practice hall at the International Center Florida. This Friday after all the workers left for the weekend participants carpooled to the International Center’s new practice hall. They were met by the construction project managers […]
The Sweetest Part of Spring

The Sweetest Part of Spring

The sap is rising and it’s almost that time of year again – time for making maple syrup at the International Centre. We fill hundreds of bottles each year, tapping trees on our property to make a special and popular maple syrup.  We need tree tappers, fire feeders, wood chuckers, snow shovellers, chainsaw operators, sap […]
Fall Tai Chi Week at the International Centre, November 25th – 29th, 2017

Fall Tai Chi Week at the International Centre, November 25th – 29th, 2017

„So powerful, so profound“ were the words of a first-time participant of a program at the International Centre. 173 people from various countries have gathered at the International Centre near Orangeville, Ontario, to play and practice Taoist Tai Chi® while learning more about the body and physiology. With Marsha Eberhardt as our program leader, we […]
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