The Dragon's Head Blog
Aktuality z centier
Japanese Lunch and a Movie in Dunedin, Florida
Providing a sense of community is part of our Taoist Tai Chi teachings. Cooking for one another, sharing meals, and working together are also part of the experience. A Japanese lunch and a movie captured all of these elements for the Dunedin branch. Plates of handmade sushi and rice and noodle dishes were prepared and […]
Solar Eclipse Reveals Ancient Dragon Skeleton in Orangeville!
Breaking news from South Central Ontario at the location of the International Tai Chi Centre … shown here surrounded by Taoist Guardians in front of the Guardian’s house, with the Three Religions Temple in the background, shortly after the passing of the solar eclipse, a resident volunteer was caught making off with a cart load […]
The Heart Intention (L’intention du cœur)
(Le français suit plus bas) During the night, the full moon brightens the surroundings like a celestial lamppost. In the morning of the 2nd day, the radiant sun replaces the dismal and rain of the day before. The early risers gather at the temple. With great joy, we practise Taoist chanting. This practice wakes […]
Arrêter la charrette et demander la direction (Stop cart and ask directions)
(English below) La semaine de Lok Hup s’est amorcée au Centre international sous une pluie fine et dans une atmosphère apaisée par le chanting matinal. La première journée a été une occasion d’arrêter la charrette et demander la direction. En fait, il s’agit ici du nom du premier des 66 mouvements du Lok Hup […]
Première journée de la semaine Lok Hup / Day One of Lok Hup Week
Arrêter la charrette et demander la direction (English below) La semaine de Lok Hup s’est amorcée au Centre international sous une pluie fine et dans une atmosphère apaisée par le chanting matinal. La première journée a été une occasion d’arrêter la charrette et demander la direction. En fait, il s’agit ici du nom du premier […]
Day Six of CIT Week, 2017 in Orangeville
The last set of the week feels more together. Still time to play tai chi with Golden Cock Stands on One Leg, and then it’s time to close. Come back next year!
Smiling Faces and Happy Bellies
The hard-working kitchen team were thanked at CIT Week for their amazing feat of ensuring the hundreds of CIT participants and volunteers were well-fed with meals three times a day plus snacks. The team also provided jai for All Souls at the International Centre last weekend, and food for a reception and luncheon on the […]
Glorious start to final day of CIT
The rainbow bursts like magic on mine eyes! In hues of ancient promise there imprest … “ – Charles Tennyson Turner Leroy bet me I couldn’t find a pot of gold at the end, and I told him that was a stupid bet because the rainbow was enough.“ – Rita Mae Brown God’s illumined promise.“ […]
Tenth Anniversary of Three Religions Temple and Awareness Day #1 During Day Four of CIT Week, 2017 in Orangeville
Brief the dragon legs Prepare the temple and start chanting Chanters and public offerings Enliven the dragon, bring on the confetti Speeches from distinguished guests All join in the sutra Presentation of photo contest winners Tidy up, cards displayed, walking tour
Training in the Kitchen — Part Two
This is working together … It’s not a question of ‘What did you do? What did you prepare?’ It’s always a ‘We did it together. We got the time right together.’ My biggest lesson has been that there are always problems, but that there are always five solutions for each problem. You just have to […]
Day Three of CIT Week, 2017 in Orangeville
You are getting into a rhythm. Talking to people from all over the world, practising together, session of Taoist Tai Chi® practice, the meals, the meetings where you are given the opportunity to learn how we do things in the society. It’s basically the whole package. What happens is that your body starts to loosen […]
Day Two of CIT Week, 2017 in Orangeville
When we were in a group and practicing a dan-yu, we worked together and helped me very much. It helps with the move when the whole group has the same timing and go together. For me, when Tony was working with me it was interesting the way he asked questions, explaining the changing and the […]
Day One of CIT Week, 2017 in Orangeville
It’s like home, coming back home, and it’s very fun to meet again many people from all over the world who have come to the workshop. This year I feel more the family aspect of the society. Really like everybody is together. It’s easy to speak to everybody and to work together. When the directors […]
Reflections on All Souls Festival from International Centre in Orangeville
It is nice that you can actually do something practical for a loved one who is no longer around; that you are still able to communicate, to have a connection with that person. Participating together makes the festival really special; you build that connection as a group in order to help loved ones that have […]
Fung Loy Kok Week at the International Centre in Orangeville
One focus of Fung Loy Kok Week, held this year at the International Centre in Orangeville, is to cultivate stillness – to deepen our practice, to carry it into the world, and to help others. Another is to prepare us for the All Souls Festival at the end of the week. The program for the […]
Training in the Kitchen – Part One
This is meditation … Being in the kitchen gives you the chance to stop the busy thinking and go into the moment. You need to be aware – keeping yourself open and focused at the same time. After ten days, you start to become a little bit of everyone else, not being so much in […]
All Souls Festival at the International Centre
The All Souls Festival is a major event in the tradition of Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi® practice, and took place at the International Centre at the end of a week of chanting and quiet contemplation. Each year the gate of the realm of the dead is opened for the first half of the […]
A Big Day at the International Centre
The International Centre looked stunning today as participants took part in the All Souls Festival, welcomed visitors to an Open House, and continued preparations for CIT Week, the 10th Anniversary of the Grand Opening of the Three Religions Temple, and International Awareness Day. It was the penultimate day of the International Centre Anniversary Photo Contest […]
Renovations Update from Southern European Centre
Renovations at the Southern European Centre have sped up. The photos show the progress in the different areas, including the new kitchen and dishwashing area, the wall between the hall and main dorm, the main dorm and the sewage system. As with any renovations, changes occur due to unexpected issues that arise. However, everything seems […]
Last chances to enter International Centre Photo Contest
Get snapping – it’s the final week for entries in the International Centre Photo Contest, with the deadline extended till July 30. This allows for an Open House at the International Centre on July 29 for people to take photographs of our beautiful home on the same day as the All Souls Festival at the […]
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