The Dragon's Head Blog
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Largest Taoist Tai Chi® Arts Program in Australian history makes the news
A Taoist Tai Chi® arts international program at Gatton, Queensland, Australia, has made the news. The 224 participants made the program the largest in the history of the Australian Taoist Tai Chi Society. Participants told viewers of their joy, how much they love the health benefits they experience and how much more aware they are […]
Butterflies and Softness in Winnipeg, Canada
Eighty-one people gathered together as the Winnipeg branch hosted a national program from March 23-25. The room was full. There were smiles all around. Our instructor, Joé Thibault, built on our understanding of the set and the many ingredients needed to maximize the benefits. She reminded us to consider an increased level of softness — […]
Second Half of Lok Hup in Dunedin, Florida
Practicing and learning together,meditating together,eating together, tasking together, and visiting the almost complete practice hall at the International Center. We were honored by the participation of Marsha Eberhardt, president of the International Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi Society. What an amazing week we’ve had! 109 eager participants worked together to understand and apply the […]
First Session of Taoist Tai Chi® Arts at New Practice Hall of International Center Florida
Participants of Lok Hup Week held in Dunedin, Florida, USA, were the first to practice Taoist Tai Chi® arts in the new practice hall at the International Center Florida. This Friday after all the workers left for the weekend participants carpooled to the International Center’s new practice hall. They were met by the construction project managers […]
Study Shows Tai Chi Has Similar or Greater Benefits Than Aerobic Exercise for Fibromyalgia
According to a new study from Tufts University and Brown University tai chi results in similar or greater improvement in fibromyalgia symptoms when compared to aerobic exercise. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health sent this bulletin this week. A more comprehensive spotlight on the study reports that „tai chi appears to be as effective […]
Easter Sunday at the Beach in Dunedin, Florida
On Easter Sunday 43 people went to enjoy the view, the weather, the company and two sets before the Lok Hup II program. It was a wonderful peaceful morning with friends. The folks from Dunedin, Florida welcome everyone to Lok Hup Week and extend an invitation to join us at the International Center Florida Grand […]
Workshop in the Southern European Centre in Madrid
On the last day of the international tai chi workshop in the Southern European Centre (Madrid) we reviewed the concepts and movements practiced during the week. We would like to thank Andrew Hung, the workshop leader, for his input and helping us take our tai chi to a more internal level.
Taoist Tai Chi at the United Nations
A small group from the New York City/Tri-State branch had the honor to present Taoist Tai Chi® arts at the United Nations General Assembly on March 24th for the Lions Club International, a global volunteer organization dedicated to helping the community. Having a long relationship with the UN, the Lions hold an annual international conference in this majestic hall. […]
National Program and Banquet in Vancouver, British Columbia
There was a great turnout with 160 participants at the program and the „To Your Health“ banquet. We enjoyed a lovely pre-workshop evening chanting the Northern Dipper together. Chanting can be a great release as there is no requirement for perfection and there is that sense of being part of something larger. After chanting we […]
Taoist Tai Chi Society at Live Strong Health Expo in Concord, California
It was an enjoyable outreach activity and we hope to see several new faces at our Taoist Tai Chi center.
The Profound Source of Taoism
Last weekend participants from many regions gathered together in Longueuil for a Lok Hup Ba Fa program. Learning and practicing the first part of the Lok Hup Ba Fa set was a wonderful opportunity to work together and further our understanding of the rich tradition of FLK. Chris Lewis, our instructor, shared with us the […]
Short Course Inspiration in Bayswater, Australia
On the weekend of the 17th and 18th of March sixty-five members gathered to experience a short course at the national centre in Bayswater. Working together from commencement of tai chi to wave hands like clouds, the first afternoon passed quickly. Besides 41 newcomers there were another 20 members with less […]
Workshop in the Southern European Centre
On the fourth day of the international tai chi workshop in the Southern European Centre in Madrid, Spain, twenty more members have joined us to participate during the weekend. We have reviewed the concepts worked the previous days, especially the balance and the circular movement (in turn, in spiral, in arc, etc.) and we visualized […]
A Helping of Tai Chi and Paella in Madrid, Spain
On the third day of the international cai chi workshop in the Southern European Centre in Madrid we started by remembering the importance of getting a great opening through the whole set. We have also worked on the turning in the final part of the set, and in danyus, all focusing on roundness. In the […]
Taoist Chants in the Southern European Centre
We started the second day of the International Tai Chi Workshop in the Southern European Centre in Madrid with Taoist chanting. Then we applied the principles discussed the day before (turns, arcs, expansion, etc.) to the first moves of the set and also worked on the „fan penetrates through the back“ move. We also shared […]
New York City Tri-State Workshop
On March 10th and 11th, 71 participants from the northeast region came together for a national weekend program. Over the course of the weekend we did numerous sets, and explored full weight transfers, coiling and spiraling in our toryus. We then worked to integrate these sensations into some of the movements of the set. We […]
Celebrating Thirty Years of FLK in Grande Prairie, Alberta
We are celebrating 30 years of Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi® in Grande Prairie, located in Alberta, Canada. The focus of the practice for the program on March 17th and 18th, 2018 was on balance and timing, something which we could take home and apply to other areas of our lives. It was a lot of fun […]
Why Tai Chi Works So Well For Pain Relief
Tai chi relieves pain for fibromyalgia sufferers, a recent study published in British medical journal The BMJ shows . The study author says doctors should consider tai chi as possible treatment for fibromyalgia. In the biggest and most rigorous study yet of tai chi and fibromyalgia, scientists led by Dr. Chenchen Wang, director of the […]
Technology Bringing Us Closer
Thanks to technology we were able to make a set putting together people from the Southern European Centre in Madrid, Spain and a class at the International Centre in Orangeville, Canada, during the International Workshop taking place from March 21 to 25. Marsha in Canada and Andrew in Spain were able to observe the development […]
Chinese New Year Celebration in Pleasant Hill, California
The Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA San Francisco Bay Area branch members celebrated the Year of the Dog in Pleasant Hill, California . The 100 plus members with family and friends dined on a traditional Chinese New Year eight-course banquet. Entertainment also included Dr. Blues performing a medley of dog songs (Police […]
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