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The Dragon's Head Blog

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Slovakia @ CIT Week

Slovakia @ CIT Week

Balance, drop, smile, eyes level – these were the most used words during the 1st day of CIT week. 573 participants from around the world gathered to work together not only on 108 movements. Excellent beginning was provided with inspiring discussions which make as think about our transformations and tremendous buns baked with the same […]
Awareness Day in Portland, Oregon

Awareness Day in Portland, Oregon

The Portland branch held its Awareness Day on July 30th.  Over 20 members walked and rode the light rail together to do three demos in Portland parks.  It was a beautiful sunny day and members of the public seemed to enjoy it as much as we did.  Our goal is to have 40 members next Awareness Day.  
Holyrood, Newfoundland Annual Intensive and BBQ

Holyrood, Newfoundland Annual Intensive and BBQ

On July 9, 32 members of the Newfoundland branch (Atlantic Region, Canada) plus friends and family gathered for our annual intensive and BBQ in beautiful Holyrood, near St John’s. The three hour intensive included practice of several moves and, of course, sets. This annual event is another great way for newer members to become more […]
Tai Chi on the Beach at Wasaga Beach, Ontario

Tai Chi on the Beach at Wasaga Beach, Ontario

Sand and sunshine greeted 70 participants from all of our locations as they arrived on the shores of Wasaga Beach, the site of the longest freshwater beach in the world, for our Tai Chi on the Beach event.  This was another one of our 20th anniversary celebrations in the Collingwood branch. Over 20 people from the […]
Démonstration au quai Paquet à Lévis

Démonstration au quai Paquet à Lévis

Dimanche le 10 juillet dernier,  plusieurs participants de la Rive-Nord et Rive-Sud de Québec, ont profité d’un tout nouvel aménagement pour « connecter » et promouvoir les arts Taoist Tai Chi® lors d’une démonstration au quai Paquet à Lévis. Les démonstrateurs et leurs 108 mouvements ont réussi à piquer la curiosité de nombreuses personnes qui étaient venus […]
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