The Dragon's Head Blog
Medzinárodný Retreat Taoist Tai Chi™ v Krakove, Poľsko
Začiatkom mája 2024 sme prišli do Krakova na prvý retreat po pandémii v Poľsku, aby sme prehĺbili naše porozumenie učeniam majstra Moya. Priateľské prostredie a harmonická spolupráca medzi personálom prenajatého miesta (školy) a členmi Združenia Taoist Tai Chi vytvorili úžasnú atmosféru. Pod drobnohľadom lídra, ktorý viedol retreat, mohli účastníci z 11 krajín opäť posilniť svoje […]
Spoločné chantovanie
Štyri stretnutia na Zoome sa stali trvalou súčasťou môjho týždenného programu. Keď doma oznámim, že mám stretnutie, dcéra sa spýta: „Dnes budeš spievať?“ V stredu a v sobotu odpoviem: „Áno, prečo sa pýtaš?“ A ona na to: „Lebo chcem byť s tebou.“ Tak máme niečo, čo nás spája a chantujeme spolu.
Správny smer
Nedávno sme diskutovali o jednom usmernení riaditeľov Fung Loy Kok na ZOOM stretnutí s členmi v Poľsku. Išlo o to, že by sme mali mať zápisník, do ktorého by sme si mali zapisovať poznámky o individuálnom cvičení a pokroku, ktorý dosahujeme a o zmenách, ktoré pozorujeme na ceste tréningu Taoist Tai Chi®. Włodek, člen z […]
Prax chantingu
Prax chantingu Iba druhýkrát som sa zúčastnila chantingu online a hneď aká výzva! 60 strán! Bola som si istá, že sa stratím a čo bude potom! Veľkým prekvapením pre mňa bolo, že som spievala celý čas. Nenastal žiaden problém. Dokonca aj keď mi padol internet, pokračovala som plynule. Ale malo to ešte jeden pozoruhodný efekt. […]
Taoist Tai Chi® Arts Workshop, 11-13 October 2019 Kraków, Poland
This was the first 3-day workshop held in Poland. There were 125 participants from 10 countries. The setting was a peaceful, low-rise housing neighborhood, during a classic, golden, Polish autumn, encouraging walking but instead we were all inside practising. Maybe this is the sincerity and dedication to Taoist Tai Chi® Arts practice that the workshop […]
Taoist Tai Chi Arts International Workshop in Kraków, 17-21 July 2019
We had the pleasure to host 179 participants from 9 countries of the world – including Europe, Canada and New Zealand. Below you will find few testimonials: „It was a workshop quite different from all the previous ones in which I attended … A lot was said about the flow of chi, twelve meridians, Chinese […]
International program in Krakow, Poland, 24-25 November 2018
Oh, what a workshop it was! From the very beginning, and hour by hour, the curiosity and excitement in rediscovering our bodies grew. We tried to imitate the American anhinga bird (also called the water turkey), which must fully open its wings to dry after diving in the water since its feathers have no oil […]
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Wishes from Poland
The magic of the Christmas Eve evening last Friday at the Wrocław club slowed down time. There were 30 people sitting at the tables, piled high with home-made delicacies. Traditionally, the president greeted all of the members with warm wishes and sharing the holy wafer. These are the most touching moments in which our hearts […]
International Workshop in Krakow, Poland
Many of us have been waiting for these days, and preparation for the workshop began weeks and even months in advance. Karen Laughlin led the workshop, with the support of European Regional Centre members. There were 176 participants for 5 days and 13 additional people joined the weekend. Like every workshop, this one was also unique. One […]
30th Anniversary of TTCS of Poland at International Workshop
We celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Poland in July during the five-day International Workshop in Krakow. There were 239 participants plus 18 people who came for the weekend. Carmen Capilla and Paul Davies led the workshop, encouraging us to practice awareness. They reminded us that it was important to […]
Grand Opening of Clubhouse in Warsaw, Poland
We celebrated with a banquet the grand opening of a new clubhouse in Warsaw. It was attended by 132 smiling participants. We were honored by the presence of seven officials from the Warsaw City Hall: mayors and vice-mayors of 4 Varsovian districts: Bielany, Żoliborz, Bemowo and Wola. We were also honored by the presence of Carmen Capilla from Spain. […]
Christmas Eve in Wrocław branch
At a warm December evening, a week before the Christmas Eve, the door of our society house in Wroclaw were still been open towards the influx of following members. That is just tradition of common celebrate of Christmas at our beautiful centre, which at such moments gives to us special warmth. Everybody has taken the […]
Moving in
The Warsaw branch smiled…ehhh, moved into their new space!
OPEN DAY in the new club house in Warsaw, Poland
Warsaw branch organised the Open Day for the first time in the new club house in Warsaw on October, the 14th. Large numbers of guests and members of the Society had the opportunity to work together. We talked about what we do as the Society, what our roots are, how we work and how we […]
International Workshop in Kraków, Poland
Five day International workshop in Krakow held from the 4th to 8th of July, gathered 245 participants from 11 countries: Canada, Great Britain, France, Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine, Switzerland and Poland. What did we experience from Tony Kwong’s teachings? A little bit of everything: there were sets, tor yus, don yus, set’s elements practised […]
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