The Dragon's Head Blog
Expanding in Body and Mind
Participants from 13 countries gathered at the Taoist Tai Chi™ retreat in the Southern European Center in Madrid. Although the days are getting shorter and darker here in December the hall was warm and colourful vibrating with the energy and joy from all the participants sharing Mr Moy’s teachings about the Tao. After the first set we […]
Som vďačná Združeniu
Mám 75 rokov. Tai Chi cvičím sedem rokov, ale pred rokom som musela prestať chodiť na skupiny, pretože sa starám o manžela, ktorý má stareckú demenciu. Vďaka rokom, počas ktorých som cvičila Tai Chi, môžem dnes povedať, že sa mám dosť dobre. Je to ťažké, ale pociťujem pokoj, porozumenie a viem ako mám prežívať aj […]
Čo mi chanting dáva?
Pred začiatkom chantingu sa ma zmocní pocit pokoja a rozvážnosti. Tento pocit upokojenia, ale zároveň sily, zostáva so mnou aj neskôr. Obyčajne chantujem na kolenách. Táto pozícia mi umožňuje uvoľniť bedrové kĺby (zápal bedrovej sliznice mi spôsobuje najväčšie bolesti pri sedení) a necítim bolesť. Cítim skvelé natiahnutie v chrbte, bruchu a v predných svaloch […]
Najlepšie v najhoršom
Počas prvých mesiacov samostatného cvičenia som cvičila veľmi vysoké don-yu. To mi umožnilo uvoľniť krčnú a krížovú chrbticu. Následkom dlhých hodín práce za počítačom boli tieto časti tela často zdrojom bolesti. Podarilo sa mi zaradiť 50 don-yu do môjho každodenného cvičenia, robia mi veľmi dobre. Odstraňujú väčšinu svalovej stuhnutosti, ktorá sa prejavuje pri rannom vstávaní. Po […]
Príležitosť v nepriazni
Nepriazeň tohto obdobia pandémie mi poskytla príležitosť uvedomiť si dôležitosť vedomej snahy a dôslednosti tak pri cvičení tai chi ako aj pri zoomoch a chantingu. To, čo si tam navzájom odovzdávame, sa dá zhrnúť slovami a pocitmi ako sú: dôslednosť, trpezlivosť, vedomie, spojenie, pozornosť, pozorovanie, nechať to ísť a mnohé iné. Keďže je to […]
Pandémia je príležitosť rásť
Posledných deväť mesiacov mi umožnilo fyzicky, emocionálne, mentálne a spirituálne rásť. marca bol vyhlásený zákaz vychádzania. Mám 12-ročného syna a 15-ročnú dcéru so špeciálnymi potrebami, bola to veľká skúsenosť. Vstávala som o 6-tej ráno, aby som si zacvičila Tai Chi. Toto bola pre mňa chvíľa pokoja, kým to nezistili deti, potom som sa prispôsobila a […]
Venujem čas zlepšeniu zdravia
Doteraz som viac-menej pravidelne cvičila, ale bolo to niečo ako domáca úloha: cvičila som, čo som videla na hodine, na workshope, alebo čo som dostala ako opravu. So zákazom vychádzania som sa začala báť, že sa nakazím, začala som pociťovať neistotu z budúcnosti a smútok z toho, čo sa deje. Potom som začala cvičiť takmer […]
Hmla sa zdvihla
Pred pandémiou som necvičila každý deň a keď už áno, tak väčšinou z fyzických dôvodov. Keď začal zákaz vychádzania, pocítila som strach, úzkosť, duševné utrpenie, už ani neviem v akom poradí. Mala som pocit, akoby v mojom v tele bola päsť, ktorá mi zvierala vnútornosti, nedávala mi priestor, dusila ma, nedovolila mi poriadne dýchať. Nevedela […]
All Souls Festival 2019
Master Moy taught us to honor the living and the dead, to promote cultural exchange, and to help others. The All Souls Festivals of 2019 has given the opportunity to express all of these aims. Around the world, participants gathered to engage in something greater than themselves. We chanted, prepared plaques honoring the deceased, folded […]
Ending the five-day workshop in the Southern European Center
We are in the last two days of this five-day workshop in Madrid. Today the weekend participants have joined. We have worked on the understanding of the Dan-yus with an emphasis on timing.
Continuing the International Program at the Southern European Center
We continue on the international program in the Southern European Center, we continue to deepen our understanding of the Taoist arts with the same varied and complete program: breakfast; Fung Loy Kok; lunch; Tai Chi; Dinner; Lok Hup.
International Program at the Southern European Center
Amazing starting day of the international program at the Southern European Center. We started with a Chanting session, followed by sitting meditation and two Tai Chi sets. After lunch we continued with a Tai Chi session, and after dinner it was time for Lok Hup. In short, Fung Loy Kok, Tai Chi and Lok Hup […]
Spanish quince for Florida
One more autumn, an enthusiastic group of Spanish members have prepared 125 containers of sweet quince „Florida“. More than 30 kilos contributed by members to which we have added sugar and a lot of love. Buy or reserve your container now! Remember that the funds raised will go to the project of the International Center […]
Demonstrations at the Zafiro Palma Marathon – Mallorca – Spain
Members of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Spain in the Balearic Islands, who collaborated with the Zafiro Palma Marathon, had the pleasure of performing demonstrations of TaoistTai ChiTM arts at the foot of the Cathedral of Palma and the Palace of s’Almudaina.
Special day in Mallorca (Spain)
To finish the summer classes in Mallorca (Spain) we have organized a special day starting with a workshop customizing t-shirts and another workshop of Mahjong, then a Tai Chi class, and finishing with a special dinner with shared food. It has been very interesting and sure we will repeat it.
Meeting of Instructors in Madrid, Spain
We performed a demonstration of Taoist Tai Chi® arts, including Lok Hup Ba Fa, Sabre and also did a dragon dance in the centre of Madrid during the meeting of instructors from Spain, Portugal and Italy. Nearly one hundred people had the opportunity to deepen the knowledge of these arts. This is the dragon dance […]
Workshop in the Southern European Centre in Madrid
On the last day of the international tai chi workshop in the Southern European Centre (Madrid) we reviewed the concepts and movements practiced during the week. We would like to thank Andrew Hung, the workshop leader, for his input and helping us take our tai chi to a more internal level.
Workshop in the Southern European Centre
On the fourth day of the international tai chi workshop in the Southern European Centre in Madrid, Spain, twenty more members have joined us to participate during the weekend. We have reviewed the concepts worked the previous days, especially the balance and the circular movement (in turn, in spiral, in arc, etc.) and we visualized […]
A Helping of Tai Chi and Paella in Madrid, Spain
On the third day of the international cai chi workshop in the Southern European Centre in Madrid we started by remembering the importance of getting a great opening through the whole set. We have also worked on the turning in the final part of the set, and in danyus, all focusing on roundness. In the […]
Taoist Chants in the Southern European Centre
We started the second day of the International Tai Chi Workshop in the Southern European Centre in Madrid with Taoist chanting. Then we applied the principles discussed the day before (turns, arcs, expansion, etc.) to the first moves of the set and also worked on the „fan penetrates through the back“ move. We also shared […]
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