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The Dragon's Head Blog

New Kitchen in Majorca, Spain

New Kitchen in Majorca, Spain

Something’s cooking in Majorca where after years of trials and tribulations the building owned by the Society in Palma now has a fully operational kitchen. It was a long and winding road, starting with winning over the neighbors and raising the funds. But everybody rallied to the cause and finally the big day arrived. The […]
Renovations Update from Southern European Centre

Renovations Update from Southern European Centre

Renovations at the Southern European Centre have sped up. The photos show the progress in the different areas, including the new kitchen and dishwashing area, the wall between the hall and main dorm, the main dorm and the sewage system.  As with any renovations, changes occur due to unexpected issues that arise. However, everything seems […]
Renovating the Southern European Centre

Renovating the Southern European Centre

It was a busy weekend at the Southern European Centre: a rich intensive with around 30 members from different branches, followed by a refreshing and nutritious meal. And for the rest of the weekend, many helping hands to finish clearing things up so all the areas are ready for the renovations. But, of course, we still […]
A Very Thorough Weekend in Madrid

A Very Thorough Weekend in Madrid

This weekend we celebrated the Portugal, Spain and Italy annual instructors‘ meeting. Some 60 instructors from the 3 countries got together to pool and advance in our understanding of tai chi and our role as accredited volunteer instructors. The activity on Saturday was held at the Southern European Centre and was most varied. It included […]
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