The Dragon's Head Blog
Spojené štáty
Práca v harmónii
„Keď hrám, všetko spolu ladí v harmónii. Myseľ, telo, hudba. Harmónia a nesúzvuk sú v hudbe veľmi dôležité. Taoist Tai Chi® obohatilo moju predstavu o harmónii a súlade všetkého navzájom. Teraz cítim, kedy všetko navzájom ladí.“ ~ Oren, NYC
All Souls Festival 8 – Chanting
All Souls Festival gives souls a chance to listen to the wisdom of the sutras chanted during the days of the festival and become free by resolving any attachments, entanglements, or conflicts they had during their lifetimes.
All Souls Festival 7 – Caring
Caring is at the heart of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism. It was deeply felt on day one of All Souls Festival when a thousand people from 26 countries brought their intention together chanting for the world and for those who have passed away.
Od srdca k srdcu
Keď som začala cvičiť Taoist Tai Chi® v r. 1998, bola som ako každý iný začiatočník. S nadšením som sa snažila naučiť túto novú žiarivú vec. Nevedela som nič. Po každej hodine, ktorú som absolvovala, moje sebavedomie rástlo. Ani som nezbadala a cvičila som celú zostavu spolu s ostatnými. Keď začali nové skupiny začiatočníkov, uvedomila som si, […]
Starnutie s cvičením Taoist Tai Chi®
Myslím si, že cvičenie Taoist Tai Chi® mi pomáha odolávať telesnej krehkosti, ktorú prináša starnutie. Prispelo k obnoveniu môjho zmyslu pre rovnováhu, ktorý sa mi začal trochu zhoršovať, a zlepšilo mi periférne videnie. Vedomie, že ostatní okolo mňa robia tie isté pohyby, posilnilo moje energetické pole. Akoby som cítil vibrácie. Som presvedčený, že tiež posilnilo […]
Všetci sme sami sebe inštruktormi
Keď sa pred rokom oznámilo, že sa rušia skupiny Taoist Tai Chi® na neurčito, predpokladal som, že budem ďalej cvičiť tie svoje tri-štyri razy do týždňa, ako keď som na skupiny chodieval. Ale odkiaľ budem mať inštrukcie? Nikdy som nerozmýšľal nad tým, že budem cvičiť bez inštrukcií. Dokonca aj keď som cvičil sám, zameriaval som […]
Osobné príbehy / USA
Po mesiaci cvičenia zostavy samostatne sa mi stala zaujímavá vec. Najprv sa mi zdalo zvláštne cvičiť sama, bez skupiny. Prekvapivo som si uvedomovala ako cvičím, hoci sa na mňa nikto nepozeral. Po čase mi to však prestalo robiť starosti a začala som sa sústreďovať na to, ako sa pri cvičení cíti moje telo. Začala som […]
Osobné dojmy z chantingu
„Pri sobotnom chantingu som si všimol, že sa mi pri spievaní skutočne otvárajú sánky. Výslovnosť stále nie je dokonalá, ale celá moja tvár si dobre zacvičila. Keď cvičíme tai chi, obyčajne neuvažujeme o precvičovaní svalov hlavy. V túto sobotu som zistil, že otváram ústa oveľa výraznejšie a vydávaný zvuk je zvučnejší. Chanting funguje lepšie ako […]
Personal Practice – USA
Solo practice has changed and deepened both my acceptance of change and my Taoist Tai Chi® practice. It has been fascinating to notice how my daily practice changes. It’s not “just the tai chi” but also where it fits in my life. In the last week I have begun to do a whole set first thing […]
All Souls Festival Reflections
Last Saturday, the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism offered an opportunity to observe and or participate in the All Souls Festival in a live online format following the weekly chanting opportunity. Being familiar with some other traditions for the deceased, I was intrigued and curious but intended to just “ stay for awhile“. Long […]
Personal Practice – USA
The Joy of Tai Chi „Saturday morning chanting and discussions have been my source of Taoist Tai Chi ® practice during the pandemic. I appreciated encouraging words from the international leaders by sharing Master Moy and his teaching. I have a little deeper understanding of confidence, trust and less worry each time I listen. And Tallahassee branch zoom meetings on […]
Practicing Together, Apart – Taoist Tai Chi® arts
Prioritizing health and safety during the time of Covid-19, participants practicing „together apart“ find strength and joy.
Personal Practice – USA
This is a thank you for giving us such rich guidance during this time of self cultivation. The chanting sessions on Sat. mornings are such an opportunity for coming together with common purpose and the discussions have opened up much more about taoism than I had ever imagined. This in turn has been very helpful in […]
Lions Restored at the International Center Florida
Steve Spathelf, Dunedin’s famous orange artist, returns to the International Center Florida to undertake the restoration of the resident lions. These lions started their life as guardians at the entrance of the International Centre at Orangeville, Ontario, Canada, but after many severe winters they were relocated to sunny Florida. Now they await the opportunity to greet […]
Keep practicing. Stay strong.
Sandy Cunningham, Dunedin, Florida Branch, is also a nurse at a very busy hospital, but found a brief moment to cultivate stillness. She inspires us to keep practicing.
Lantern Festival – International Centre
Recently we were asked, “how can we take better care of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts?” This year, as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary, there are opportunities to reflect on the uniqueness of our teachings. The International Centre in Canada, in the winter, offered a ‘quiet’ that seems harder to find in the bustle of everyday […]
California Branch Attends Live Strong Health Expo
The California Branch Our goal is 50 Taoist Tai Chi® demonstrations for the 50th anniversary of the Society. We joined over 40 other vendors at the annual Live Strong Health Expo at the Concord Senior Citizen Center and were able to share the health benefits of our practice with many of the 400+ attendees. We […]
Florida Keys Branch Intensive
The Taoist Tai Chi® Florida Keys Branch recently welcomed almost 75 participants to a Saturday Intensive at the Key Largo location. The intensive was attended by participants from both the Greater Miami and Gold Coast Branches, most of whom remained to share a delicious lunch with their Florida Keys friends.
Portland, Oregon Hosts National Program
The Taoist Tai Chi® Portland Branch held a National Program February 29th and March 1st hosting 82 eager participants from as far east as Massachusetts, as far south as Texas and as far north as Alaska and Canada. We were told to “forget the form” and focus instead on expanding and contracting our spines, loading the feet, and […]
Texas Branch attends Wolf Ranch Farmers Market
On a beautiful day in Texas, 15 participants from the Taoist Tai Chi® Texas branch shared their practice of the Taoist Tai Chi® Arts at the Wolf Ranch Farmers Market with enthusiastic onlookers
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