The Dragon's Head Blog
Program zmiernenia bolesti
Povedomie o Artritíde
Artritída, ktorá napadla moju chrbticu, sa volá ankylozujúca spondylitída. Keď prebieha zápal, je to veľmi bolestivé. Odkedy mi chorobu diagnostikovali, cvičím Taoist Tai Chi™, ktoré väčšinou používam na zmiernenie bolesti. Dovoľuje mi hýbať sa… a ak sa nehýbem, dostávam kŕče. Moje zdravie sa zlepšuje, preto v tom pokračujem. ~Tam
Keď varím jedlo, aplikujem princípy, ktoré ma naučilo cvičenie Taoist tai chi®. Mám správny vyrovnaný postoj, čo mi dovoľuje otvoriť hrudník a uvoľniť ramená. Tento jednoduchý detail ma zbaví bolesti chrbta. ~Christine
Svetový deň SM
Mám sklerózu multiplex a často ma postihovali príšerné záchvaty paralýzy. Niekoľko mesiacov po tom, ako som sa začala venovať umeniam Taoist Tai Chi®, som sa mohla znova hýbať a moja rovnováha sa zlepšila. Cvičenie Taoist Tai Chi® je to najlepšie, čo môžete pre seba urobiť. ~Sylvia
Shifting to Balance — May Health Recovery Week at International Centre in Orangeville, Ontario
“Keep it simple”, says Frazer Smith as he leads 31 participants at the May Health Recovery program at the International Centre in Orangeville. “Up, up, …” go the participants as the instructor guides us through the first few moves of the set. And slowly, gently, softly day one ends with a shifting to balance. […]
Osteoporosis and Taoist Tai Chi® practice
Did you know that Taoist Tai Chi® arts can straighten out severely damaged osteoporotic vertebrae without the aid of analgesic or prescription drugs? These two X-rays show: left the spine in 2016 and on the right 2015. 2016 shows the expansion created by straightening things out so now I can sing again as the air […]
Taoist Tai Chi Play is Health Recovery
All Taoist Tai Chi® arts play is about health recovery. The 108 people who attended the recent Health Recovery Day at the International Centre had the opportunity to witness the courage, persistence, grace and dignity of people with a wide range of health problems in their practice of the set and foundation moves. Hearing first-hand […]
The Sheer Joy of Movement – Health Recovery Program at Orangeville, September, 2016
I experience the sheer joy of movement – of moving a body that has been paralyzed. These words are from one of the participants talking about their experience of doing Tai Chi at the International Centre in Orangeville. On day 4 of our 5-day Health Recovery Program there are looks of focus and determination on […]
Health Recovery in full swing!
It is now day three of the Health Recovery Program here at the International Taoist Tai Chi Centre near Orangeville, and what an inspiring experience it has been thus far! During the first few days, our knowledgeable instructor Jim helped us build a strong foundation through countless tor-yus and dan-yus. He explained that the quality […]
Surrey, British Columbia Hosts Annual Picnic
A fun time was had by over 60 people and 3 dogs at the annual Surrey Branch Picnic on Saturday, July 23. Attendees from the Surrey, Chilliwack, and Vancouver branches were enthusiastic about doing the „109th tai chi move“ as they dug into the variety of foods brought for the potluck get-together. Sets of tai […]
Final night of June Health Recovery Program
With the southern Ontario heat, we enjoyed a beautiful set outside, followed by a brush knee parade around the second floor of the Health Recovery building at the International Centre in Orangeville to take advantage of the air conditioning. The icing on the cake was a final push hands session. One more morning and then we […]
Health Recovery Week, Day 3, at Orangeville, Ontario
Working and learning (and eating!) together. „My tai chi is improving from teaching others.“ — Wade from Taraunga, New Zealand „There’s no criticism. It’s all help“ — Pat from Gravenhurst „This Health Recovery is one of the best gifts I’ve given myself. It’s taken me a while to get here, but […]
What is it like to stay at the International Centre for a Health Recovery Week?
One participant captured the answer to this question in pictures.
Finding balance at Health Recovery Week
Health Recovery participants don-yu their way down the room as they play with balance and weight-shifting. „There’s such a strong feeling of community within the group. It warms my heart.“ – Angie from Durham, Canada „This has been a phenomenal week to help me work on issues that are present for me. It’s […]
Things are Looking Up at Health Recovery Week
Up … Up … Up! There’s always more up! Participants in this month’s Health Recovery Week at the International Centre, Orangeville, are enjoying getting taller and working together. From some of the participants: „It’s been more than just physical. I’m learning how to listen to my body and I didn’t realize how I […]
Taoist Tai Chi helps with “very grim” Parkinson’s challenge
Simple activities like putting on a coat were becoming a challenge for Assunta Scaini as she struggled with the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease such as constant tremors, stiffness, fatigue, poor balance and frequent falls. Assunta started practicing Taoist Tai Chi in Toronto 30 years ago. Within just a few weeks she started to feel good again […]
Dan-yu life-saver
My name is Pat and I have been a member of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Great Britain for 15 years and an instructor for 10 years. 5 years ago I had an accident in my car. I woke up just as the airbag was deflating and because the car was tipped on its […]
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