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The Dragon's Head Blog: International Program in Costa Rica: Moving our “Angel Wings”

CR Intl Prog (4)At the end of March we hosted an International Program in Costa Rica at the European School premises; an open space calm, harmonious and very suitable for our practise of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts.

Our journey began on Friday evening in a gathering with national and international family members who came from Canada and USA. That night we met our program leader Pegoty Packman, who gave us a motivating welcome and also let us know that Peter Turner, current club president, was co-leading the weekend. They both shared the arts and teachings of this wide tradition with almost 100 participants.

CR Intl Prog (11)The next day we began early in the morning working on our group tasks, to be just ready to enjoy the program. With a very nice image, Pegoty helped us deepen our understanding of the foundations, encouraging us to move our “angel wings” and to be more relaxed while practicing. On Sunday morning prior to the beginning of the session, we had chanting, a new experience for many members who were able to practice some more of this tradition´s richness.

Positive things happen after a two day program, and many members expressed it that way when they shared that it was very enjoyable and special; many experiences that go beyond the movements and last long after the program is over; another opportunity for learning to observe and pay more attention to the corrections being offered; grow as a family; learning by doing and attain a bigger sense of belonging to the international family.

CR Intl Prog (34)

There were people amazed to see many members from beginner’s class that had no trouble in following the moves, practice the foundations and even finish their first set ever! Before concluding, Pegoty offered us a visit in pictures around The Fenway and the progress shown since it was bought. We understood more about the importance of this new International Centre in preserving the arts for generations to come, at the end we were completely motivated to go, help and enjoy next November’s CIT week.

There were many teaching transmitted over the weekend, specially the opportunity to understand more about the International Society we belong to. A teaching that prepares us for our next year´s 20th anniversary celebration…. You´re already invited!

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