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The Dragon's Head Blog: Promoting Vitality and Well-being: How Taoist Tai Chi™ Arts Impact Health and Reduce Stress on Public Health Services


Canadian Health Questionnaire Detailed Report, 2016

As governments struggle with mounting health costs, Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism wanted to capture some of the specific ways in which Taoist Tai Chi™ practice impacts the use of public health services.

We administered a questionnaire with over 6,000 of our 12,000 participants across Canada responding. The data and stories collected provide a compelling snapshot of ways in which Taoist Tai Chi™ practice can improve individual health and, as a result, collectively reduce impact on public health services.

The high response rate and exceptional openness of our participants in the stories they shared is the foundation of this new report. Each section summarizes statistical data, contains quotes from respondents, and includes information on Canadian health.

While this detailed report has enormous value in communicating the benefits of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts to the public, it is also an important document to be used within our organization. Instructors can learn more about the range of health benefits reported across Canada and the significance of practicing this art to promote vitality and well-being.

We invite you to review the report on-line. 

Thank you to all of the 6,000+ participants who completed the health questionnaire!

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