The Dragon's Head Blog
Costa Rica @ CIT Week
How many activities can be done in a single day together with 700 other people? From International Centre near Orangeville to Yonge-Dundas Square to Wong Dai Sin Temple in Steeles Ave. and back to the Centre again we enjoyed a fabulous day in which, for every step of the way, the working together […]
Spain @ CIT Week
Sharing and improving health in Dundas Square, Toronto, at International Taoist Tai Chi Awareness Day 2016 – Toni (Spain)
Sweden @ CIT Week
Here we are leaving the Health Recovery Centre, the main building, outside Orangeville. People are excited and eager to get on the schoolbuses to go to this year’s International Awareness Day celebration in downtown Toronto. Our volunteers help with crossing the road in a safe manner at Yonge-Dundas Square. The dragons … what energy! […]
Parading the Colors
The parade at International Awareness Day allowed us to all show our colors. Every country, province and state was represented.
Portugal @ CIT Week
Making the best connections! It was a nice surprise to meet José Gomes who showed up after listening to my interview as a representative for IAD at CHINRadio with Fátima Martins last Monday. What a great opportunity to reach out to the Portuguese community living in the Greater Toronto Area. Keep hydrated was a […]
Netherlands @ CIT Week
CIT Week feels like a big family gathering where we all can strengthen our roots in order to grow and develop further. Thanks for the care, guidance and help given. How priviliged we are to be part of this family. – Thijs (Netherlands)
Italy @ CIT Week
The dragon is dancing and the square is alive with hundreds of silver Tshirts! Il drago danza e la piazza è animata da centinaia di magliette grigie! Lucia, Italy
Tired but happy after IAD 2016
We’re just back at the International Centre after a hot but wonderful day celebrating International Awareness Day at Yonge Dundas Square in Toronto. Delegates from the 25 countries practising Taoist Tai Chi® arts brought greetings, and a lively samba band played during the parade. Sixty-three curious passers-by dared to try the four first movements of […]
Czech Republic @ CIT Week
Third day of practice, meetings, fun, a lot of good food with some first class services such as excellent fresh croissants at breakfast and every day fresh homemade buns by Mr. Lam. And the pleasure to wake up in the morning in this wonderful place among nice and friendly people and to share with them […]
Australia @ CIT Week
The atmosphere from the 576 participants is one of harmony, companionship and energy. We are enjoying the tasty meals provided and eaten outside in the beautiful Canadian summer. The kitchen people are doing a fantastic job! So far the workshop leaders have given us instructions in dan-yus and tor-yus, and we are working diligently in […]
Belgium @ CIT Week
It is wonderful to participate in such an impressive gathering of tai chi practitioners. It’s my first time here and I could not imagine that it would be so impressive. – Brigitte (Belgium)
New Zealand @ CIT Week
What can we do between sessions and chores … rest, or … sit in the shade and watch the lion practice And then there’s buns for afternoon tea …
Germany @ CIT Week
When I see this amazingly beautiful quilt I think how perfectly it represents what CIT Week is to me: a big and colourful family reunion. People come from far away, are happy to see each other after a long time, and everyone brings something from home to share with everyone else. — Steffi, Germany
Switzerland @ CIT Week
Day 2 at CIT week was ending and the practice hall was still busy with group meetings, people chatting, others practising the day’s instructions or other forms of Taoist arts. Although the days are really hot, as soon as the night kicks in, the many lights around the property, and the gift of […]
Ireland @ CIT Week
International Centre ever changing — one of the three beautiful new pavilions recently erected on the grounds. Like our Taoist Tai Chi® practice — ever changing. — Sadie, Ireland
Poland @ CIT Week
Thank you Master Moy for sharing with us this very rich art and for giving us this amazing płace, the Quiet Cultivation Centre, where all 600 of us can experience happiness by improving our balance, dropping and expansion, Just like the frog that lives in a wonderful nook in the garden of the Temple. – […]
Hungary @ CIT Week
The start of CIT week. With almost 600 participants it was ”half in the hall and half out on the deck”. In the lines for dinner, the chatter was in all languages. Even on the first day, there was so much to talk about! — Judit, Hungary
Denmark @ CIT Week
573 people sharing experience with the dan-yu and how to teach ”dropping”. And how easy it is to make it complicated and losing the balance on the way. So my biggest take away from the afternoon is to get the simple focus of Balance – Drop – Smile into the practice. — Nis, Denmark
United Kingdom @ CIT Week
It’s day one of CIT Week and people are gathering for the afternoon session. Some are relaxing in the shade, some are doing tor-yus, and some are fighting over the last of the tasty buns – Theo (Cambridge, UK)
Slovakia @ CIT Week
Balance, drop, smile, eyes level – these were the most used words during the 1st day of CIT week. 573 participants from around the world gathered to work together not only on 108 movements. Excellent beginning was provided with inspiring discussions which make as think about our transformations and tremendous buns baked with the same […]
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