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The Dragon's Head Blog

National Updates
Celebrating Twenty Years in the San Francisco Bay Area

Celebrating Twenty Years in the San Francisco Bay Area

On the last day of our international workshop, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA San Francisco Bay Area branch. We were honored by a visit from Dr. Karen Laughlin, an original board member of our branch. Alice Wong, past president and Jo Ann Aita, both early members, gave […]
International Workshop in Pleasant Hill, California

International Workshop in Pleasant Hill, California

Jook Lei Sahng Yet Fai Lok (Happy Birthday), Tony was sung repeatedly during our regular classes while practicing tor-yus and dan-yus. Both came in handy as we celebrated Tony Kwong’s birthday at our June 3rd to June 4th international workshop of Taoist Tai Chi® arts in Pleasant Hill, California. There were over 100 participants from Texas, […]
Central Region Program at the International Centre in Orangeville

Central Region Program at the International Centre in Orangeville

There were 120 participants who spent the last weekend in May, 2017 attending a central region program at the International Centre near Orangeville, Ontario. Program leaders John Balinski and Jim Gazzard emphasized the importance of learning by watching so that we can disengage our “thinking” mind and access our “feeling” mind. Although the weekend started […]
International Workshop in Denver, Colorado

International Workshop in Denver, Colorado

Denver, Colorado hosted just under 100 participants for the June 10-11 international workshop with Tony Kwong. We started with an invigorating session of tor-yus and then another one of dan-yus. Next,Tony led us through the first 17 moves of the set. Later, he surprised us by asking the group ”what move in the set do […]
Chanting for Health in Costa Rica

Chanting for Health in Costa Rica

During the last fortnight we were fortunate to have two opportunities to explore chanting for health in two-hour sessions on Saturday afternoons. We chant sutras twice a week at the clubhouse, but these sessions provide another type of opportunity to gain an introduction to these arts. For some it was the first experience of chanting […]
Kingston 40th anniversary in the news

Kingston 40th anniversary in the news

The Kingston Heritage has reported on a demo tour by Kingston participants in Ontario, Canada, to celebrate their 40th anniversary. “We wanted to get out in the community and really show people what we are all about,”  Kingston branch leader Terry Kirkham told the news organisation. “We want to share what we do and the […]
Instructor Training Meeting in Stratford, Canada

Instructor Training Meeting in Stratford, Canada

  A sunny afternoon in early June found 56 participants from the southwest Ontario area performing a tai chi set outdoors for all passersby to enjoy. The southwest instructor meeting started with the set and then moved back inside to engage in discussions on donations,the Eight Virtues and the health recovery program. Each of the […]
Renovating the Southern European Centre

Renovating the Southern European Centre

It was a busy weekend at the Southern European Centre: a rich intensive with around 30 members from different branches, followed by a refreshing and nutritious meal. And for the rest of the weekend, many helping hands to finish clearing things up so all the areas are ready for the renovations. But, of course, we still […]
The Depth Of Simplicity in Costa Rica

The Depth Of Simplicity in Costa Rica

How many times have we heard elbows down? How many times have we heard push up or hands first? Not enough we hope, as there is always more. There is a profoundness in the simplicity of instruction that can help connect the dots of what we have been working on during a period of time. […]
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