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The Dragon's Head Blog

Senior intensive and guided city tour

Senior intensive and guided city tour

On July 5th,  the first activity of 2018 organised by the seniors committee of The Netherlands took place in Haarlem. A city walk with a surprise treat at the end of the tour was planned after the Intensive in the morning followed by a pot luck lunch. Over thirty members from different locations started the […]
Tai Chi and Me = Happiness

Tai Chi and Me = Happiness

July marks the two-year anniversary of my first encounter  with Taoist Tai Chi® arts and I am reflecting on my journey so far. Almost immediately the word happiness comes to mind. This seems an odd choice; while learning tai chi makes me happy so do lots of other activities. Obviously, there is more to my […]
Weight Shifting in Ballina, Co. Mayo, Ireland

Weight Shifting in Ballina, Co. Mayo, Ireland

108 moves … and all made up of don-yus and tor-yus! “Isn’t that simple?”, is the question. “Yes, but not easy!” Instructions and advice follows…. “Smile! Not so serious, Relax” “Do you see the don-yu and tor-yu in each movement of the set? It makes it stronger and better.” “Call it out. Call out clearly, […]
Participating in Cultural Harmony

Participating in Cultural Harmony

Many participants from a number of locations in the Toronto Branch actively supported our involvement in the 2018 Rotary International Convention at the Metro Convention Centre from June 23 to June 27. It was a significant commitment because we needed to cover 60 hours at our booth during the five days of the conference, and […]
Awareness Day in the Netherlands

Awareness Day in the Netherlands

We just celebrated Awareness Day here in he Netherlands! Here are some of the aspects that we worked on last June 24th in Helmond, with participants from several branches: having fun, moving meditation, improving our quality of life, focusing on our attention, connecting both the inside and the outside world, enjoying being together, doing a demo in the city center to reach out to […]
Dunedin City Leaders Visit Our International Centre

Dunedin City Leaders Visit Our International Centre

Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism directors welcomed guests from Dunedin, Florida, to our International Centre this weekend, including the city’s Mayor Julie Bujalski, Deputy Mayor John Tomga, and city Commissioners and officials.  The Dunedin group were on an annual visit to Toronto and accepted an invitation extended by President Marsha Eberhardt to visit the […]
Mayor Proclaims Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi® Day

Mayor Proclaims Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi® Day

For the fifth year running, the Mayor of Oshawa, Honourable John Henry, has proclaimed a Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi® Day in the City of Oshawa.  The first proclamation in 2014 was given to Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi® in recognition of our service to the community in our 20th Anniversary year.  This […]
Meeting of Instructors in Madrid, Spain

Meeting of Instructors in Madrid, Spain

We performed a demonstration of Taoist Tai Chi® arts, including Lok Hup Ba Fa, Sabre and also did a dragon dance in the centre of Madrid during the meeting of instructors from Spain, Portugal and Italy. Nearly one hundred people had the opportunity to deepen the knowledge of these arts. This is the dragon dance […]
Media Join Hard-hat Tour of Fenway Hotel

Media Join Hard-hat Tour of Fenway Hotel

A hard-hat tour through the Fenway Hotel in Dunedin, Florida, this week in anticipation of the boutique hotel’s opening in October has generated several stories in the news media, including the Tampa Bay Times, Bay News 9 and ABC Action News. The role of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA in preserving the […]
Getting the bigger picture!

Getting the bigger picture!

There was a sense of great excitement around the National Centre at Bayswater, Australia as 141 participants from the new Perth Branch gathered to attend their first “welcome to continuing” session. The Perth Branch was recently formed by amalgamating 5 branches and 13 locations around the Perth city area. Participants from each of the locations […]
Coiling and Other Treasures, Denver, CO Workshop

Coiling and Other Treasures, Denver, CO Workshop

June 9 and 10 temperatures in the Mile High City of Denver soared into the high nineties as the Colorado Branch hosted 91 participants for its annual Taoist Tai Chi® arts International Workshop. It was Colorado’s turn to review instruction from CIT week in Orangeville in May. Practice, practice, practice Saturday we focused on the […]
Taoist Arts in Brampton City Square

Taoist Arts in Brampton City Square

Many participants from the Brampton, Ontario, location participated in the CeleBrampton Arts Day on Saturday June 9.  It was a beautiful day and we completed many sets and foundation exercises. We spoke to all those gathered in the city square about Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi®, where we are located, how to contact us […]
Waking the Lion in Niagara

Waking the Lion in Niagara

About 30 Niagara Branch participants gathered outside St. Catharines City Hall to demonstrate Taoist Tai Chi® arts on Thursday, May 31.  This was the first of 40 demos celebrating and promoting 40 Years of Taoist Tai Chi® arts in Niagara, Ontario, Canada.  Mayor Walter Sendzik joined the group by waking the lion and eagerly participated in […]
Pleasant Times in Pleasant Hill, California

Pleasant Times in Pleasant Hill, California

Concentration was high among the 80 participants in a weekend international workshop held June 3 and 4.  They came to sunny northern California to experience the ways that Taoist Tai Chi® arts massage the internal organs and promote health and fitness. The weekend included several indoor and warmish outdoor sets, insight on different and useful […]
Finding the Source in Helmond

Finding the Source in Helmond

During the terrific five-day international workshop in Helmond,  67 participants played, experienced and felt the extension, contraction, weight-shifting and elasticity in every move of the set. Andrew Hung clarified that these elements are the source, better known as the don-yu and the tor-yu.  When we started with the first set at the beginning of the […]
一干二净  Cleaning the Kitchen

一干二净 Cleaning the Kitchen

Yat guon yi jang is a Chinese idiom meaning either very clean or thoroughly/completely and as such is a particularly appropriate title for a post about thoroughly cleaning the kitchen here at the International Centre in Orangeville. We took everything out, scrubbed down the equipment, floors, walls, and shelves, hosed them off, organised everything, and […]
Chanting for Master Moy

Chanting for Master Moy

Chanters gathered at the International Centre on June 6 to pay their respects on the 20th anniversary of Master Moy Lin Shin’s death. Chanting was performed in the Three Religions temple in the morning and Memorial Hall in the afternoon. Offerings were also burned to bring comfort and peace.
Classical Concert in St. Petersburg, Florida

Classical Concert in St. Petersburg, Florida

The St. Petersburg branch participants enjoyed a wonderful classical guitar concert on Sunday afternoon. One of our members’ brother, Charles Mokotoff, was in town and entertained around 70 people with his mesmerizing playing. We are looking forward to his next visit.  
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