The Dragon's Head Blog
The Kitchen Perspective from the International Center Florida Program
Cultivating stillness was the theme of the workshop, and the sense of stillness permeated through the kitchen, settling into the cook team and work groups. Kitchen tai chi is not only about using the principles of the moves into the work of chopping, stirring, and mixing. Like tai chi, cooking should be relaxed and from […]
International Center Florida Construction Update
Work has begun on the southwest wing. Locals are watching with interest. Structural work has begun on the southwest wing. The steel supports have been ordered since they have a six-week lead time to construct and deliver. The concrete footers are being dug by hand to reduce stress […]
Chinese New Year Celebration in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
Two major February storms could not dampen a joyous celebration of Chinese New Year in St. John’s on February 18. The weekend began with an instructors’ development session on Friday night, and Saturday’s intensive had us working hard on toryus, danyus and parting wild horse’s mane. We also learned how to host […]
Fung Loy Kok Workshop in Colchester, United Kingdom —Day Five
On Sunday morning the workshop participants practise the Jade Emperor lighting ceremony.
International Centre Orangeville Photo Contest Update
To celebrate 10th anniversary of the Quiet Cultivation Centre in Orangeville, we are hosting a photo contest open to class participants and the public. Check out these submissions so far and enjoy the beauty of the centre. Photos do not need to be current. If you have photos from the last 10 years share your […]
International Workshop in Bayswater, Australia
What a deeply enriching experience we’ve had in Australia. A weekend international workshop followed by a series of intensives with Marsha Eberhardt, President of FLK. It was such a pleasure to welcome Marsha and to prepare for and participate in this learning opportunity that was made available in a number of branches in Perth, Western […]
Chinese New Year Banquet in Colchester, United Kingdom
Returning to the origin … participants at the Fung Lok Kok workshop in Colchester prepared and served a delicious Chinese New Year banquet for 150 people, with 20 invited guests. Speakers included Jim Nicholson of the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism, and Sir Bob Russell, High Steward of Colchester. Diners enjoyed watching a display of […]
International Program in Lamballe
The French TTCS members were very excited about welcoming Sean Dennison as the leader of the last weekend workshop in Lamballe. Sean helped us to find Don-yus and Tor-yus in the set. The more we can find them in the set, the best we improve our practice and our health. He helped us to look […]
Women and Tai Chi Program at the International Center Florida
The Women and Tai Chi Program at the International Center Florida had over 80 men and women participate. Karen Laughlin led the program and focused on toryus and danyus with emphasis on women’s health. Participants were treated to stories on female immortals and stories of taming the heart. She shared variations of the toryu that […]
Fung Loy Kok Workshop in Colchester, United Kingdom — Day Four
Saturday of the workshop, and we are joined by a further 20 participants for the weekend. The attention turns inwards again, and Sean and Jim help people who have questions about quiet sitting. The group practices the Taoist saan fa chant again, sounding much stronger than earlier in the week. Sean provides an update on […]
Valentine’s Day High Tea at the International Center Florida
On February 14th, Valentine’s Day, the Dunedin Branch held its tenth annual high tea. Scones, finger sandwiches, and chocolate-covered strawberries were among items donated by branch participants. Over ninety Tampa Bay area participants joined in the fun. Many of the ladies wore their favorite hats keeping in the spirit. The focus was on teas from around […]
Workshop at International Center Florida — Day Two
Working together – stories about Master Moy teaching the practical side of Taoist Tai Chi® arts in the kitchen and how we set the table. More stillness in the jongs extending that stillness into the tor yu. Day two is […]
Fung Loy Kok Workshop in Colchester, United Kingdom
Cultivating stillness … Taoist saan fa chanting, practiced around a table; Confucian chanting including the Ten Thousand Buddhas sutra, practiced in front of the high shrine; and quiet sitting. These are just some of the methods of cultivating stillness, under the gentle guidance and encouragement of workshop leaders Sean Dennison and Jim Nicholson.
Portland Celebrates Chinese New Year
The Chinese New Year celebration at the Portland branch was enjoyed by over 200 participants and guests. The evening began with a social hour for mingling, eating hors-d’oeuvres, enjoying live music, trying our luck at choosing from the wall of wine, and bidding on theme baskets and activities such as sail boat rides and hosted […]
Workshop at International Center in Florida – Day One
Participants of Taoist Tai Chi® from near and far gathered at the International Center in Dunedin, Florida starting on Wednesday February 22, 2017 for a five-day workshop. We started working together right away on cultivating a sense of stillness in movement not only with the jongs but during ”tai chi set! Same thing!”
Chinese New Year Banquet in Winnipeg, Canada
The leaflet on the table read “The Year of the Rooster Personality – Active, amusing and popular within a crowd… Roosters are talkative, outspoken, frank, open, honest and loyal.” The room reflected this positive rooster energy as we celebrated. It was alive with laughter, conversation, love and community, and it enveloped us. Almost 100 people […]
Chinese New Year Banquet in Pleasant Hill, California
Volunteers were chopping, slicing and cooking all week in preparation for the Chinese New Year banquet at the Pleasant Hill Center of the San Francisco Bay area branch of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA. Over 70 members and guests attended from all over the San Francisco Bay area. With the amount of […]
Maple Syrup Season is Upon Us and We Seek Your Help in Orangeville
Calling all maple fans. The season is off to an early start and we would greatly appreciate your help. Trees need tapping and new lines need to be set up. The fire needs tending, the bottles must be labelled and filled. All tasks are lighter with more hands and there is no finer way to […]
Chinese New Year Celebration in Canada’s Atlantic Region
A busy weekend at the Atlantic Regional Centre began with a day-long program and culminated with a splendid Chinese New Year banquet. A cocktail hour with wine and hors d’oeuvres was lively, filling the room with laughter and talk as members mingled with guests and invited dignitaries. A couple of talented members entertained us, Maritime style, with songs […]
International Program Report from Prague, Czech Republic
Annually the very first international workshop in Europe is held in Prague. Although a tough winter welcomed more than 200 members from nine countries, the atmosphere was very warm and everybody was enjoying the deeper practise of foundations led by Carmen Capilla. Encouraging advice like shiiiift the weight, relaaaaaax, smiiiiile and enjooooooy guided us during the whole weekend. […]
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